2–7 Sept 2012
Hotel Listel Inawashiro, Inawashiro, Japan
Japan timezone

Distribution of radioactive cesium measured by aerial radiation monitoring

3 Sept 2012, 09:30
Hotel Listel Inawashiro, Inawashiro, Japan

Hotel Listel Inawashiro, Inawashiro, Japan

Kawageta, Inawashiro, Fukushima 969-2696
ORAL Opening and Closing Session1


Dr Yukihisa Sanada (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)


We measured the ambient dose-rate and the deposition amount of radioactive cesium by using four helicopters in the whole area of Japan to investigate the influence of the radioactivity that released in the atmosphere due to the disaster of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP (Nuclear Power Plant), Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), occurred by Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. A massive radioactive materials emitted from the NPP was released in the atmosphere due to the disaster and contaminated soils in the wide area in Japan. Therefore, we have carried out the airborne radiation monitoring (ARM) in the whole area of Japan, and investigated the influence of the radioactive cesium of the deposition to the ground level. It reports on the measurement technique and the result.

Primary author

Dr Yukihisa Sanada (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

Presentation materials