12:00 PM
--- Lunch break ---
1:30 PM
Maurice Garcia-Sciveres
Cinzia Da Via
(University of Manchester (GB))
(until 5:10 PM)
1:30 PM
Proton Radiation Damage Experiment on P-Channel CCD for an X-ray CCD camera onboard the Astro-H satellite
koji mori
(University of Miyazaki)
1:50 PM
Single Event Effect Characterization of the Analog ASIC Developed for CCD Camera in Astronomical Use
Hiroshi Nakajima
(Osaka University)
2:10 PM
Study of the collection of charge carriers generated close to the Si-SiO2 interface of silicon strip sensors before and after 1 MGy X-ray radiation
Thomas Poehlsen
(Hamburg University)
2:30 PM
Results from the Pilot Run of the Pixel Luminosity Telescopes, a Luminosity Monitor for CMS Based on Single-Crystal Diamond Pixel Sensors
Dean Andrew Hidas
(Rutgers, State Univ. of New Jersey (US))
2:50 PM
Recent Results of the ATLAS Upgrade Planar Pixel Sensors R&D Project*
Philipp Weigell
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
3:10 PM
--- Poster break ---
4:10 PM
Evaluation of novel n$^{+}$-in-p pixel and strip sensors for very high radiation environment
Yoshinobu Unno
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
4:30 PM
Microchannel cooling for the LHCb VELO Upgrade
Jan Buytaert
4:50 PM
Impact of pixel size and shape on physics analysis
Christoph Nageli
(Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
3:10 PM
Poster session
(until 4:10 PM)
3:10 PM
Applications of a High-contrast X-ray CT to Polymers, Insects, Plants, Foods, etc.
- Dr
Sueki Baba
(Beamsense Co. Ltd. Japan)
3:10 PM
Attenuation correction in PET/CT: optimum imaging parameters derived from ultra low dose calcium score CT
(National Yang-Ming University)
3:10 PM
Compared Myocardial Deformation between Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and Cardiac Computed Tomography
- Mr
Yang-Hsien Lin
(Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, National Yang Ming University)
3:10 PM
Comparison of myocardial perfusion imaging between new ultrafast CZT camera and conventional SPECT: anthropomorphic phantom study
- Prof.
Tung-Hsin Wu
(Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, National Yang Ming University)
3:10 PM
Design and Fabrication of Endoscope-Type Compton Camera
Yasuaki Nakamura
(Univ. of Tokyo)
3:10 PM
Development of Silicon-On-Insulator PHoton Imaging Array Sensor (SOPHIAS) for X-ray Free-Electron Laser
- Mr
Motohiko Omodani
(Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
3:10 PM
Development of the Optical Blocking Layer for the X-ray CCD
Takayoshi Kohmura
(Kogakuin University)
3:10 PM
Development of X-ray detector using optical switching readout for high-speed imaging
- Dr
Ryun Kyung Kim
(Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI))
3:10 PM
GEANT4 and GDML detector simulation framework
Jan Buytaert
3:10 PM
GOTTHARD: a charge integrating silicon strip detector for XFEL and Synchrotron applications
- Dr
Roberto Dinapoli
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
3:10 PM
Low mass carbon based support structures for the ATLAS pixel forward disks for the HL-LHC
Richard Bates
(University of Glasgow (GB))
3:10 PM
Monolithic crystals with SiPMs read-out: optical coupling optimization
- Dr
Antonio Javier Gonzalez Martinez
(Institute of Instrumentation for Molecular Imaging)
3:10 PM
Optimal Temporal Windows and Dose-reducing Strategy for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Imaging with 256-Slice CT
(National Yang-Ming University)
3:10 PM
Optimization of the scan protocol for small-animal PET imaging: Effects on image quality, quantification accuracy, and radiation exposure
- Prof.
Tung-Hsin Wu
(Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, National Yang Ming University)
3:10 PM
Performance of the X-ray CCD coated with Optical Blocking Layer for SXI onboard ASTRO-H
- Mr
Shoma Ikeda
(Kogakuin University)
3:10 PM
Pixelated CdTe Detectors for Imaging X-rays on-board Solar Orbiter space mission
Martin Bednarzik
(Paul Scherrer Institut, Laboratory for Micro- and Nanotechnology, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland)
3:10 PM
Structural and electrical properties of polycrystalline CdTe films for direct X-ray imaging detectors
- Dr
Bo Kyung Cha
3:10 PM
The relation of pre-diabetes and region-specific visceral adipose tissue: quantified by multi-detector computed tomography
- Mr
Yang-Hsien Lin
(Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, National Yang Ming University)
3:10 PM
Towards Using a Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for In-Vivo Beam Monitoring of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy
- Dr
Ryan Page
(University of Bristol)
3:10 PM
X-ray characterization of CMOS imaging detector with high resolution for fluoroscopic imaging application
- Dr
Bo Kyung Cha
7:00 PM
Conference dinner "Japanese cuisine"
(Japanese Tatami Banquet room "Bandai")