Yoshinobu Unno
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
9/3/12, 8:45 AM
Yukihisa Sanada
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
9/3/12, 9:30 AM
We measured the ambient dose-rate and the deposition amount of radioactive cesium by using four helicopters in the whole area of Japan to investigate the influence of the radioactivity that released in the atmosphere due to the disaster of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP (Nuclear Power Plant), Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), occurred by Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake and tsunami on March 11,...
Attilio Andreazza
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
9/3/12, 10:00 AM
The ATLAS Pixel Detector is the innermost detector of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, providing high-resolution measurements of charged particle tracks in the high radiation environment close to the collision region. This capability is vital for the identification and measurement of proper decay times of long-lived particles such as b-hadrons, and thus vital for the...
Alessandro Gaz
(University of Colorado at Boulder (US))
9/3/12, 10:50 AM
The core of the CMS experiment is a three layers pixel detector. Installed in 2008 the CMS pixel system is essential for track seeding and reconstruction of secondary vertexes. The Pixel detector was designed for a peak luminosity of 1E34 cm-2s-1. The presentation will summarize the operational experience of the first three years of collisions at the LHC. We will present the measured...
Ole Rohne
(University of Oslo (NO))
9/3/12, 11:20 AM
The upgrades for the ATLAS Pixel Detector will be staged in preparation for high
luminosity LHC. The first upgrade for the Pixel Detector is the construction of a new
pixel layer which will be installed during the first shutdown of the LHC machine, in
2013-14. The new detector, called the Insertable B-layer (IBL), will be installed between
the existing Pixel Detector and a new, smaller...
Eugenio Paoloni
(INFN Pisa)
9/3/12, 1:50 PM
The latest advances in the design and characterization of several pixel sensors
developed to satisfy the very demanding requirements of the innermost layer of the
SuperB Silicon Vertex Tracker will be presented in this paper.
The SuperB machine is an electron positron collider operating at the Y4S peak to
be built in the very near future by the Cabibbo Lab consortium.
A pixel detector...
Carlos Marinas Pardo
(Bonn University)
9/3/12, 2:20 PM
An upgrade of the existing Japanese Flavour Factory (KEKB in Tsukuba, Japan) is under construction, and is foreseen for commissioning by the end of 2014. This new e+e− machine ("SuperKEKB") will deliver an instantaneous luminosity of 8⋅10^35 cm−2s−1, which is 40 times higher than the world record set by KEKB.
In order to be able to fully exploit the increased number of events and provide...
Kazuyoshi Carvalho Akiba
9/3/12, 3:00 PM
The LHCb VELO (silicon Vertex Locator) will be upgraded in 2018, as part of the general upgrade of the LHCb experiment, which will transform the entire detector readout to a triggerless system operating at 40 MHz. The current L0 hardware trigger will be removed, and all data reduction algorithms will be executed in a high level software farm, with access to all event information. This will...
Clemens Schulze-Briese
(Dectris Ltd.)
9/3/12, 5:20 PM
A novel photon counting method for non-paralyzable counting and its implementation in the new PILATUS3 ASIC are presented. Pulse pile-up significantly affects the observed count rate at high photon fluxes in single-photon counting x-ray detectors and can lead to complete paralyzation of the counting circuit. In PILATUS single-photon counting hybrid-pixel x-ray detectors, count rate correction...
Matthew Soman
(Open University)
9/4/12, 9:00 AM
The Super Advanced X-ray Emission Spectrometer (SAXES) at the Swiss Light Source contains a high resolution Charge Coupled Device (CCD) based camera used for Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) [1]. Using the current CCD based camera system, the energy-dispersive spectrometer has an energy resolution (E/ΔE) of approximately 12000 at 930 eV [2]. A recent study [3] predicted that through...
Shunji Kishimoto
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
9/4/12, 9:20 AM
We have developed a silicon avalanche-photodiode (Si-APD) array detector for time-resolved measurements using pulsed synchrotron X-rays. The Si-APD detector had 64 pixels of a linear array, where the pixel size was 100 μm by 200 μm with a 50-μm gap between pixels and a depleted thickness was 10 μm. The detector system was equipped with 64-channel front-end ASICs, FPGAs and SiTCP (a network...
Toko Hirono
(Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
9/4/12, 10:50 AM
This study describes a CdTe pixel detector development for the next generation high energy X-ray diffraction experiments at synchrotron radiation facilities. In such applications, a high stopping-power semiconductor material for the sensor and an X-ray photon counting capability for the ASIC are required. A Custom-designed ASIC (SP8-02) has been developed with TSMC 0.25 micron CMOS process,...
Roberto Dinapoli
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
9/4/12, 11:10 AM
EIGER is the next generation single photon counting x-ray detector developed at Paul Scherrer Institut for synchrotron based applications. It is a hybrid silicon pixel detector that features a 75x75 um2 pixel size, a high maximum frame rate capability of ~22 kHz (independent on the detector size), double buffered storage for continuous readout and a negligible dead time between frames of ~3-4...
Shoji Kawahito
(Shizuoka University)
9/4/12, 11:30 AM
This paper reviews the device and circuit technologies for low-noise CMOS image sensors(CISs) and discusses their future prospect. The first innovation in the low-noise CISs has been done by the CMOS active pixel sensor (APS) using an amplifier and a pinned photodiode in each pixel. The in-pixel amplifier eliminates a large stray capacitance in the signal detection and increases the...
Shigetoshi Sugawa
(Tohoku University)
9/4/12, 1:30 PM
CMOS image sensors have been widely applied to various fields in this decade by the great improvements of basic performances such as sensitivity, noise and resolution. Recent CMOS image sensors have achieved the pixel pitch of about 1μm, the number of pixels of 40 million or more and the input conversion noise of about 1 electron. CMOS image sensor has come to exceed CCD image sensor greatly...
Serena Mattiazzo
(Università e INFN Padova (IT))
9/4/12, 2:20 PM
The Silicon On Insulator (SOI) technology allows the integration of CMOS electronics on a thin silicon layer which is electrically insulated from the wafer substrate by means of a thin buried-oxide layer (BOX). Monolithic pixel sensors can be built in SOI technology by contacting a high-resistivity handle wafer substrate through the BOX. A commercial deep-submicron SOI CMOS process by LAPIS,...
Shinya Nakashima
(Kyoto Univ.)
9/4/12, 2:40 PM
We have been developing a novel active pixel sensor, X-ray SOIPIX (Silicon-On-Insulator Pixel Sensor), for a future X-ray astronomical mission.
It offers wide-band and high-time-resolution imaging spectroscopy with a low non-X-ray background rate.
The most distinguished feature of X-ray SOIPIX is an intra-pixel trigger system for the timing detection.
We have so far demonstrated that...
Makoto Motoyoshi
(Tohoku-MincroTec Co., Ltd (T-Micro))
9/4/12, 3:00 PM
Large-scale integration (LSI) technology in two dimensions has been the norm over the past three decades. However, the industry is now rapidly moving into the era of sub-20-nm nodes, and continuation of the present scaling trend will require the introduction of new transistors with three-dimensional (3D) structures and new materials and processes. This is expected to dramatically...
Naoki Kimura
(Waseda University (JP))
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
Selecting interesting events with triggering is very challenging at the LHC due to the busy hadronic environment. Starting in 2014 the LHC will run with an energy of 14 TeV and instantaneous luminosities which could exceed 10^34 interactions per cm^2 and per second. The triggering in the ATLAS detector is realized using a three level trigger approach, in which the first level (L1) is hardware...
Yasuo Arai
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
In the SOI process developed by KEK and LAPIS, transistors can be divided into two groups by their nominal power supply, 1.8V and 2.5V respectively. All the past integrating SOI chips use 1.8V transistors in core circuit and 2.5V in IO buffers. To verify the idea of increasing dynamic range of integrating charge, a chip using 2.5V transistors in core circuit was submitted to MPW run in 2011....
Koichi Nagai
(University of Tsukuba (JP))
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
The Semi-Conductor Tracker (SCT) is a silicon strip detector and one of the key precision tracking devices in the Inner Detector of the ATLAS experiment at CERN LHC.
The SCT is constructed of 4088 silicon detector modules for a total of 6.3 million strips. Each module is designed, constructed and tested to operate as a stand-alone unit, mechanically, electrically, optically and thermally. The...
Tomonori Kubota
(Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP))
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
Results on a beam test of n-in-p silicon strip sensors aimed for the ATLAS SCT(Semi-Conductor Tracker) upgrades for High Luminosity LHC(HL-LHC) are presented. This Beam test was operated with a new DAQ system consisting of a universal read-out board called 'SEABAS'and a beam tracking system with the spacial resolution less than 5 micro meters, and held at RCNP in December 2011. Behaviors of...
Paula Liliana Alvarez Rengifo
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
The use of different semiconductor technologies in the field of particle detector has been always limited by the effects of radiation in both the sensors and the processing circuitry. Large numbers of research teams are evaluating the use of different technological approaches to minimize the impact of radiation in new developments by using new detector material, connections and read-out...
Sakai Hisanobu
(Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
SPring-8 experimental Data Repository system (SP8DR) has been developed to support the handling of the experimental data. High brilliant x-ray at the SPring-8 produces large quantities of data with a high data rate in a short time. It is difficult to manage experimental data conjunction with the experimental conditions without data management system. SP8DR manages a lot of experimental...
Thomas Poehlsen
(University of Hamburg)
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
For experiments at the European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL), an Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector (AGIPD) system is under development. The particular requirements for the detector are a high dynamic range of 0, 1 - to more than 1E4
12.4 keV photons per pixel within a XFEL pulse duration of < 100 fs and a radiation tolerance of doses up to 1 GGy for 3 years of operation.
Jia Jian Teoh
(Osaka University (JP))
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
The pixel detector of the ATLAS will be replaced at the future upgrade of LHC to keep the performance at high luminosity operation. For the upgrade, the sensor modules have been developed by using new front-end chips (FE-I4). Since design of the FE-I4 chip is different from the chip used for the current pixel detector, new DAQ system is necessary to read the sensor modules. For that reason, we...
Yoshimasa Ono
(Tohoku University (JP))
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
A Sillicon-On-Insulator (SOI) technology is suitable for vertex detector for high energy physics experiments since complex functionalities can be fabricated on the SOI wafer with small material thanks to the monolithic structure.
We developed a new sensor processing scheme "PIXOR(PIXel OR)" for pixel detectors using a Lapis 0.25um SOI process.
An analog signals from each pixelated sensor is...
Ayaki Takeda
(Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI))
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
A monolithic pixel detector with a 0.2 um fully-depleted Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) technology, called SOIPIX, has been developed. These are utilizing thick handle wafer of SOI structure as a radiation sensor to detect charged particles and X-ray.
One of the detectors, called INTPIX4, is 10.3 x 15.5 mm in size having 512 x 832 (~426 k) pixels each 17 um square. It has integration type pixels...
Attilio Andreazza
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
The record breaking instantaneous luminosities of 10^33 cm-2 s-1 recently surpassed at the Large Hadron Collider generate a rapidly increasing particle fluence in the ATLAS Pixel Detector. As the radiation dose accumulates, the first effects of radiation damage are now observable in the silicon sensors. A regular monitoring program has been conducted and reveals an increase in the silicon...
Attilio Andreazza
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
The read-out from individual pixels on planar semi-conductor sensors are grouped
into clusters to reconstruct the location where a charged particle passed through the
sensor. The resolution given by individual pixel sizes is significantly improved by
using the information from the charge sharing between pixels. Such analog cluster
creation techniques have been used by the ATLAS experiment...
Bernard Delley
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
While originally aimed at imaging applications, robust in hardware mapping of hot pixels and hot pixel data reconstruction may also provide a starting point for algorithmic cluster reduction in future detector system. The method addresses issues with radiation defects and mitigation of radiation effects while establishing the hot pixel map or list.
Vitaliy Fadeyev
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
We are pursuing scribe-cleave-passivate (SCP) technology of making “slim edge” sensors. Such sensors have only a minimal amount of inactive peripheral region, which benefits construction of large-area tracker and imaging systems. Key application steps of this method are surface scribing, cleaving, and passivation of the resulting sidewall. We are working on developing both the technology and...
Paul Dervan
(University of Liverpool (GB))
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
It is foreseen to significantly increase the luminosity of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) by upgrading the LHC towards the HL-LHC (High Luminosity LHC) in order to harvest the maximum physics potential of the machine. Especially the final upgrade (Phase-II Upgrade) foreseen for 2021 will mean unprecedented radiation levels, exceeding the LHC fluences by roughly an order of magnitude. Due...
Yoichi Ikegami
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
While the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN continues to deliver increasing amounts of luminosity to the experiments, a phased upgrade of the LHC is planned, ultimately aimed at a luminosity of ten times the LHC design luminosity (HL-LHC). To cope with the expected harsh operating conditions in terms of particle rates and radiation dose, the ATLAS collaboration is developing a new tracker....
Carlos Marinas Pardo
(Bonn University)
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
The new e$^{+}$e$^{-}$ colliders impose unprecedented demands to the performance of the vertex detectors. To achieve the required resolution in the vertex reconstruction, besides highly segmented pixel detectors, the material budget has to be kept at very low levels to reduce the multiple Coulomb scattering. These requirements are even more challenging in the case of the new Japanese Super...
Kenji Hamano
(University of Melbourne (AU))
9/4/12, 3:20 PM
The track and vertex reconstruction algorithms of the ATLAS Inner Detector have
demonstrated excellent performance in the early data from the LHC. However, the
rapidly increasing number of interactions per bunch crossing introduces new
challenges both in computational aspects and physics performance. The combination
of both silicon and gas based detectors provides high precision impact...
Peter Denes
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
9/4/12, 4:20 PM
This work presents the design and characterization of a CMOS monolithic active pixel sensor manufactured in a commercial 65 nm process. The sensor is our first prototype in this technology for next generation, ultra-high resolution and radiation-hard direct detectors for electron and X-ray imaging, and follows previous developments in 0.35 µm and 0.18 µm CMOS processes. The chip features...
Tetsuo Yamada
(Tokyo Polytechnique University)
9/4/12, 4:40 PM
In 2001, a video camera of one million frames per second (1 Mfps) was developed by Etoh et al. In-situ Storage with more than one hundred CCD memory elements were installed for each pixel. Simultaneous recording in all pixels realized the ultra-fast image capturing. The pixel count was 86 kpixels. The type of the sensors was named ISIS, In-situ Storage Image Sensor. They have been continuously...
Alessandro Marras
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
9/4/12, 5:00 PM
The European X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility will generate extremely brilliant, ultra-short pulses of X-rays, imposing challenging constraints to the detectors to be used in the experiments. It is expected to have a peak brilliance of 10^33 ph/(s mm^2 mrad^2 0.1%BW), 9 orders of magnitude more than 3rd generation synchrotron sources. The flux will be such that many pixels will have to cope...
Maurice Garcia-Sciveres
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
9/5/12, 8:30 AM
We present concepts and prototyping results towards a third generation pixel readout chip. We consider the 130nm feature size FE-I4 chip, in production for the ATLAS IBL upgrade, to be a second generation chip. A third generation chip would have to go significantly further. A possible direction is to make the IC so generic that different experiments can configure it to meet significantly...
Hans-Christian Kaestli
(Paul Scherrer Institut (CH))
9/5/12, 9:00 AM
The performance of the LHC accelerator at CERN has been outstanding since its startup in 2010. It seems likely that the delivered instanteneous luminosity exceeds its design value of $10^{34}$ cm$^{-2} s$^{-1}$ soon after the recommissioning in 2014. Tracking in such a dense environment is challenging. This is especially true for the main tasks of the pixel detector such as b-tagging. In order...
Martin Van Beuzekom
9/5/12, 9:20 AM
The upgrade of the LHCb experiment, planned for 2018, will transform the readout of the entire experiment to a triggerless system operating at 40 MHz. All data reduction algorithms will be run in a high level software farm, and will have access to event information from all subdetectors. This approach will give great power and flexibility in accessing the physics channels of interest in the...
Laura Gonella
(Universitaet Bonn (DE))
9/5/12, 10:00 AM
With the planned upgrades of the LHC for higher than present luminosity, the ATLAS pixel detector will be confronted to higher hit rate. R&D for the inner layers of the future ATLAS pixel detector has started in the direction of smaller feature size CMOS bulk processes, as well as in the direction of the new possibilities offered by 3D integration technologies. In this presentation, a report...
Eva Vilella-Figueras
(Department of Electronics - University of Barcelona)
9/5/12, 10:40 AM
Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (GAPDs) offer excellent qualitites to meet the challenging requirements of the next generation of particle colliders. High sensitivity, fast timing response, virtually infinite gain and compatibility with standard CMOS technologies are some of the properties that make these devices so attractive. In fact, owing to to their extraordinary sensitivity and...
Kenji Shimazoe
(The University of Tokyo)
9/5/12, 11:00 AM
A 144-channel Pr:LuAG-APD detector is designed and fabricated for medical application. The pixel of the crystal is 2mm x 2mm x 10mm and individually coupled with UV-enhanced 12 x 12 Avalanche Photo Diode array. The APD's pixels are individually connected with Time over Threshold based ASIC and sent to DAQ FPGA. ToT-ASIC is fabricated with 0.25um TSMC CMOS and the power dissipation is...
New prototypes for components of a control system for the new ATLAS pixel detector at the HL-LHC
Lukas Pullen
9/5/12, 11:20 AM
In the years around 2020 an upgrade of the LHC to the HL-LHC is scheduled, which will increase the accelerators luminosity by a factor of 10. In the context of this upgrade, the inner detector of the ATLAS experiment will be replaced entirely including the pixel detector. This new pixel detector requires a specific control system which complies with the strict requirements in terms of...
Kock Kiam Gan
(Ohio State University (US))
9/5/12, 11:40 AM
We have designed two ASICs for possible applications in the optical links of a new layer of the ATLAS pixel detector for the initial phase of the LHC luminosity upgrade. The ASICs include a high-speed driver for a VCSEL and a receiver/decoder to extract the data and clock from the signal received by a PIN diode. Both ASICs contain 12 channels for operation with a VCSEL or PIN array. Among...
9/5/12, 12:30 PM
Sazae-do, Tsukuga-jo Castle, Restaurant "Takino". This event is supported by Dectris.
Ivan Peric
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
9/6/12, 9:00 AM
High voltage particle detectors in commercial CMOS technologies are detector family that allows implementation of low-cost, thin and radiation-tolerant detectors with good time resolution. The unique property of these detectors is that the pixel electronic is embedded inside sensor diodes. For this reason, we refer to the detector type as the "smart diode” array - SDA. In the R/D phase of the...
Farah Fahim Khalid
9/6/12, 9:20 AM
Monolithic Active Matrix with Binary Counters (MAMBO) V ASIC has been designed for detecting and measuring low energy X-rays from 6-12keV. A nested well structure with a buried n-well (BNW) and a deeper buried p-well (BPW) is used to electrically isolate the detector from the electronics. BNW acts as an AC ground to electrical signals and behaves as a shield. BPW creates a homogenous electric...
James Edwin Mylroie-Smith
(University of Liverpool (GB))
9/6/12, 9:40 AM
The Arachnid collaboration has been set up in the UK to develop CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors. The first device of this collaboration is named Cherwell. The Cherwell device consists of several arrays of pixel optimised either for vertexing or for calorimetry. For the former, two subarrays were designed. The first one has 96x48 pixels on a 25 um pitch. Each pixel consists of a low-noise...
Lawrence Soung Yee
(Universite catholique de Louvain)
9/6/12, 10:00 AM
The use of different semiconductor technologies in the field of particle detector has been always limited by the effects of radiation in both the sensors and the processing circuitry. This fact has encouraged the teams working in future developments to evaluate the use of different technological approaches to minimize the impact of radiation by using new detector material, connections and...
Piero Giubilato
(Universita e INFN (IT))
9/6/12, 10:40 AM
We start by presenting the latest results on the LePix sensor, an innovative Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS) aimed at tracking/triggering tasks where high granularity, low power consumption, low material budget, radiation hardness, and production costs are a concern. The detector is built in a 90nm CMOS process on a substrate of moderate resistivity. This allows charge collection by...
Nicola Carlo Guerrini
9/6/12, 11:00 AM
Reliable data on the ionising radiation environment are regarded as very important to ensure an efficient design and operation of spacecraft. Engineering such sensors, and their cost, anyway, still represents a limitation to their widespread adoption. Here we present a Highly Miniaturised Radiation Monitor (HMRM), developed by the Science and Technology Facilities Council and Imperial College...
Jaya John John
(University of Oxford)
9/6/12, 11:20 AM
PImMS, or Pixel Imaging Mass Spectrometry, is a family of high-speed monolithic CMOS imaging sensors tailored to the requirements of mass spectrometry and allied fields. PImMS pixels each compare step events of collected charge to an adjustable threshold, storing up to four significant events inside the pixel as 12-bit timestamps with a time resolution of 25ns. The pixels may be individually...
Wojciech Dulinski
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))
9/6/12, 11:40 AM
Monolithic CMOS Pixels (MAPS) integrate on the same silicon substrate the radiation sensor element with the processing electronics. Their fabrication is possible through an easy access to commercial high-volume foundries, resulting in low costs and high yield. However in the standard implementation these devices suffer from two major limitations. First, only NMOS transistors are allowed on top...
koji mori
(University of Miyazaki)
9/6/12, 1:30 PM
We report on a proton radiation damage experiment on P-Channel CCD
newly developed for an X-ray CCD camera onboard the Astro-H
satellite. The device has been exposed up to 10^9 protons/cm2 at 6.7
MeV. The charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) is measured as a function
of radiation dose. In comparison with the CTI actually measured in the
CCD camera onboard the Suzaku satellite for 6 years,...
Hiroshi Nakajima
(Osaka University)
9/6/12, 1:50 PM
Single-event measurements on the analog ASIC developed for
astronomical CCD camera systems are reported. The experiments
using several heavy ions and protons exhibited positive correlation
between the particle's LET (linear energy transfer) and the probability
of the SEU (single event upset). The predictive SEU rate in the low
earth orbit was derived on the assumption of the CCD camera...
Thomas Poehlsen
(Hamburg University)
9/6/12, 2:10 PM
The collection of charge carriers generated in p+-n-strip sensors close to the Si-SiO2 interface before and after 1 MGy of X-ray irradiation has been investigated using the transient current technique (TCT) with sub-nanosecond focused light pulses of 660 nm wavelength, which has an absorption length in silicon at room temperature of 3.5 μm.
Depending on the applied bias voltage, bias...
Dean Andrew Hidas
(Rutgers, State Univ. of New Jersey (US))
9/6/12, 2:30 PM
The Pixel Luminosity Telescopes (PLT) is a dedicated luminosity monitor for CMS based on single-crystal diamond sensors. It is designed to measure the bunch-by-bunch relative luminosity to high precision. It consists of a set of small angle telescopes each with three planes of single-crystal diamond pixel sensors. The full PLT will be installed in CMS for the first full energy operation of the...
Philipp Weigell
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
9/6/12, 2:50 PM
To extend the physics reach of the LHC experiments, several upgrades to the accelerator complex are planned. This upgrade, the HL-LHC, eventually leads to an increase of the peak luminosity by a factor of five to ten compared to the LHC design value.
To cope with the higher occupancy and radiation damage also the LHC experiments will be upgraded. The ATLAS Planar Pixel Sensor (PPS) R&D...
Sueki Baba
(Beamsense Co. Ltd. Japan)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
Since polymers mainly consist of the light atomic elements, the transmission of polymers against X-rays is usually too high to be visualized in X-ray microscopy, and hence, it has been considered that the polymers are not suitable for the X-ray computerized tomography (XCT). We calculate the X-ray absorption coefficients of various polymers and find the reasonably good conditions for the XCT...
(National Yang-Ming University)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
Introduction: In cardiac PET/CT, coronal calcium scoring CT (CCSCT) not only is a noninvasive assessment of the presence and location of calcified plaque but also could provide as attenuation correction (AC) maps. However, the optimal radiation dose saving of CCSCT scan has not been studied. The purpose of this study is to determine optimum imaging parameters for attenuation correction in...
Yang-Hsien Lin
(Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, National Yang Ming University)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
Introduction: In the fields of heart failure diagnosis, expect for the evaluation of heart valve abnormality, the myocardial wall motion is another important indication which has been concluded in many studies. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging provides highly reproducible data of myocardial deformation. Recently, the cardiac computed tomography (CT) imaging technique has become...
Tung-Hsin Wu
(Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, National Yang Ming University)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
Purpose: The solid-state detector is the novel γ-camera to reduce patient’s imaging time and radiation dosage in nuclear cardiology. However, there was a discrepancy of optimal acquisition protocol between Thallium-201 and Tc-99m radionuclide in many literatures. The aim of this study was to compare new ultrafast cadmium-zinc-telluride (CZT) camera with conventional SPECT using anthropomorphic...
Yasuaki Nakamura
(Univ. of Tokyo)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
We are constructing an endoscope coupled with radiation detector, and its real time radiation imaging system. The imaging system is based on Compton camera composed of a digital signal-processing unit with ASIC and FPGA and reconstruction algorithm using spherical harmonics that can compute in real time. Acquired data are immediately transferred to a host PC and computed by a reconstruction...
Motohiko Omodani
(Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
SPring-8 Angstrom Compact free-electron LAser (SACLA), which is the second X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) facility after LCLS at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory achieved laser amplification on June 7th, 2011. In the first user run of SACLA starting in March 2012, 25 proposals from domestic/international institutions will be conducted, where more than half of the proposals will use the...
Takayoshi Kohmura
(Kogakuin University)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
Since an X-ray CCD, especially a Back-Illuminated-CCD (BI-CCD), has a high detection efficiency for UV light and visible light as well as soft X-ray, it is necessary for the X-ray CCD on board X-ray satellite to block visible light and UV light that become background.
The X-ray CCD cameras on board previous X-ray satellites, Suzaku, Chandra and so on, are equipped with the Optical...
Ryun Kyung Kim
(Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI))
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
We demonstrate an x-ray detector with dual amorphous-Selenium (a-Se) layer using optical switching readout for high-speed x-ray imaging. The x-ray detector consists of a negative voltage bias electrode, a thick a-Se layer for photoelectric conversion of x-ray photons, an As2Se3 layer as an electron-trapping layer for accumulating a latent image, a thin a-Se layer for optical readout, an...
Roberto Dinapoli
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
The SLS Detector group at PSI has developed GOTTHARD, a charge integrating silicon strip detector which, thanks to the automatic
gain switching feature, can provide at the same time single photon resolution and a dynamic range as big as 10000 12~keV photons, with a noise well below the photon statistics limit over the full range.
The detector module is made of ten readout ASIC (Application...
Richard Bates
(University of Glasgow (GB))
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
For the proposed upgraded pixel and strip detector systems of the ATLAS experiment on the HL-LHC near all carbon support structures are a candidate. These consist of two low-density carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets (low areal weight), consisting of ultra-high modulus fibres, with metallic cooling tubes filled with refrigerant sandwiched between them. Low-density carbon foam is...
Antonio Javier Gonzalez Martinez
(Institute of Instrumentation for Molecular Imaging)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
In this work we present a method to efficiently collect scintillation light at the time to reduce photosensor active area. We have applied this procedure on gamma detectors for PET devices based on continuous crystals and SiPM detectors.
The use of continuous scintillation crystals preserves the spatial distribution of scintillation light for each γ-ray event, which can be reconstructed...
(National Yang-Ming University)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
Objective: To determine the optimal image reconstruction windows in the assessment of coronary artery bypass grafts (CABGs) with 256-slice CT, and to assess their associated optimal ECG pulsing windows for tube-current modulation (ETCM).
Methods: We recruited 18 patients (three female; mean age 68.9 years) having mean heart rate (HR) of 66.3 bpm and a heart rate variability of 1.3 bpm for...
Tung-Hsin Wu
(Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, National Yang Ming University)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
Purpose: Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging performance is limited by a number of physical, acquisition, and dosimetric constraints. To gain a thorough understanding of this issue, multivariate analysis was used to investigate the simultaneous effects of changes in these factors. This study investigated the relationship among the small animal imaging protocol, imaging performance, and...
Shoma Ikeda
(Kogakuin University)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
We have developed the back-illuminated X-ray CCD camera (BI-CCD) for Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) onboard ASTRO-H. Since the X-ray CCD, especially BI- CCD has a high sensitivity not only for in X-ray but also in both visible light and UV light, X-ray CCD for SXI is directly coated the 100nm thick aluminum on the surface of the CCD in order to block visible light, and we name this aluminum layer OBL...
Martin Bednarzik
(Paul Scherrer Institut, Laboratory for Micro- and Nanotechnology, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
The STIX (Spectrometer Telescope for Imaging X-rays) instrument will be used on board the Solar Orbiter space mission to perform X-ray imaging and spectroscopy of solar flares. STIX is one of 10 instruments of the confirmed M-class mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) to be launched in 2017. The imaging is realized by a Fourier-imaging technique using tungsten grid collimators in front...
Yang-Hsien Lin
(Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, National Yang Ming University)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
Background: Central obesity in relation to insulin resistance is strongly linked to the development of diabetes. However, data regarding the association between peri-cardial and peri-aortic fat amount, a real estimate of visceral adipose tissue and pre-diabetes status remained elusive.
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine whether pericardial and thoracic peri-aortic adipose...
Ryan Page
(University of Bristol)
9/6/12, 3:10 PM
R. Page, for the BEAMView collaboration
1 Introduction
The use of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) for cancer treatments is entering wider use. These treatments involve using a complex configuration of field modifying components, known as Multileaf Collimators (MLC), to dynamically shape the beam. A treatment consists of a sequence of irregular shaped fields, which...
Yoshinobu Unno
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
9/6/12, 4:10 PM
We have been developing novel n$^{+}$-in-p pixel and strip sensors that are highly radiation-tolerant, having a ``planar" electrode geometry, utilize p-type silicon wafers, and being read out from highly doped n$^{+}$ implants. Our goal of the radiation level is in the range of $10^{15}$ and up to 2 $\times$ 10$^{16}$ 1-MeV-neutron-equivalent (n$_{\rm eq}$)/cm$^{2}$ of the particle fluence,...
Christoph Nageli
(Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
9/6/12, 4:50 PM
A Monte Carlo study will be presented to quantify the impact of the z resolution of the pixel detector to a new physics search.
The choice of the pixel shape and size in the r-\phi and z-directions results in different position resolutions, that in turn
influence the selection power for the analysis of a certain physics channel. The presented study illustrates the effect of the pixel...
Graeme Douglas Stewart
(University of Glasgow)
9/7/12, 8:30 AM
We performed edge and surface TCT measurements of a double sided 3D silicon strip detector at the Jozef Stefan Institute. Double sided 3D devices are a useful counterpart to traditional planar devices for use in the very highest radiation environments. The TCT techniques allow the electric fields in 3D devices to be probed in a way not possible before.
Short 3D strip detectors, produced at...
Giulio Pellegrini
(Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain)
9/7/12, 8:50 AM
The upgrade of the LHC to HL-LHC envisaged for 2020 requires silicon detectors of unprecedented radiation tolerance for the silicon tracking detectors. The very high luminosity foreseen (2.5 x 1034cm-2s-1) implies that the innermost layers detectors, at about 3 cm from the interaction point, of the vertex detector will be exposed to fluence up to 1.4x1016cm-2 1 MeV neutron equivalent for the...
Cinzia Da Via
(University of Manchester (GB))
9/7/12, 9:10 AM
Vertex detectors for the next LHC experiments upgrades will need to have low mass while at the same time be radiation hard and with sufficient granularity tu fulfill the physics challenges of the next decade. Based on the gained experience with 3D silicon sensors for the ATLAS IBL project and the ongoing developements on light materials, interconnectivity and cooling, this paper will discuss...
Anna Macchiolo
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
9/7/12, 9:50 AM
The R&D activity here presented is focused on the development of a new module concept for the upgrade of the ATLAS pixel system at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). It employs thin pixel sensors together with a novel vertical integration technology offered by the Fraunhofer Institute EMFT in Munich, consisting of the Solid-Liquid-InterDiffusion (SLID) interconnection, which is an alternative...
Tobias Wittig
(Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
9/7/12, 10:30 AM
ATLAS plans two major upgrades of its pixel detector on the path to HL-LHC: First, the insertion of a 4th pixel layer (Insertable B-Layer, IBL) is currently being prepared for 2013. This will enable the ATLAS tracker to cope with an increase of LHC's peak luminosity to about 3E34 cm^-2 s^-1 which requires a radiation hardness of the sensors of up to 5E15 n_eq cm^-2. Towards the end of this...
Paul Dervan
(University of Liverpool (GB))
9/7/12, 10:50 AM
Pixel detectors will be extensively used for the four innermost layers of the upgraded ATLAS experiment at the future High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) at CERN. The total area of pixel sensors will be over 5 m2. The silicon sensors that will instrument the pixel volume will have to face several technology challenges. They will have to withstand doses up to 2×1016 neq cm-2, to have a reduced...
Richard Bates
(University of Glasgow (GB))
9/7/12, 11:10 AM
The ATLAS pixel detector for the HL-LHC will require the development of large area pixel modules that can withstand does up to 2x1016 neq cm-3. The area of the pixel system will be over 5m2 and as such low cost, large area modules are required. The development of a quad module based on 4 FE-I4 ROIC will be discussed. The FE-I4 ROIC is a large area chip and the yield of the flip-chip process on...