- Takaki Hatsui (RIKEN)
- Ryan Page (University of Bristol)
akira OMOTO
03/09/2012, 09:00
Opening and Closing
The speech on the recent nuclear accident focuses on “what went wrong” and “what lessons are universal”.
As is well recognized in the nuclear safety regime, prevention of radiological impact to human and environment as a consequence of nuclear reactor accident follows the basic philosophy of defense-in-depth consisting of five layers of defense, of which the first three by design, the 4th by...
Yukihisa Sanada
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
03/09/2012, 09:30
Opening and Closing
We measured the ambient dose-rate and the deposition amount of radioactive cesium by using four helicopters in the whole area of Japan to investigate the influence of the radioactivity that released in the atmosphere due to the disaster of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP (Nuclear Power Plant), Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), occurred by Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake and tsunami on March 11,...
Attilio Andreazza
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
03/09/2012, 10:00
Particle physics applications - High Energy Physics
The ATLAS Pixel Detector is the innermost detector of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, providing high-resolution measurements of charged particle tracks in the high radiation environment close to the collision region. This capability is vital for the identification and measurement of proper decay times of long-lived particles such as b-hadrons, and thus vital for the...
Alessandro Gaz
(University of Colorado at Boulder (US))
03/09/2012, 10:50
Particle physics applications - High Energy Physics
The core of the CMS experiment is a three layers pixel detector. Installed in 2008 the CMS pixel system is essential for track seeding and reconstruction of secondary vertexes. The Pixel detector was designed for a peak luminosity of 1E34 cm-2s-1. The presentation will summarize the operational experience of the first three years of collisions at the LHC. We will present the measured...
Ole Rohne
(University of Oslo (NO))
03/09/2012, 11:20
Particle physics applications - High Energy Physics
The upgrades for the ATLAS Pixel Detector will be staged in preparation for high
luminosity LHC. The first upgrade for the Pixel Detector is the construction of a new
pixel layer which will be installed during the first shutdown of the LHC machine, in
2013-14. The new detector, called the Insertable B-layer (IBL), will be installed between
the existing Pixel Detector and a new, smaller...
Mathieu Benoit
03/09/2012, 11:50
Particle physics applications - High Energy Physics
The Linear Collider’s vertex detectors present a new challenge in terms of requirements for material budget (0.2% X0. 200 um of Si), cooling system (air cooling) and temporal (~10 ns) and spatial resolution (3 um) [1] with regard to LHC and ILC experiments. The hybrid planar pixel sensor technology, due to its robustness, low noise and fast timing properties, is currently studied using TCAD,...