- By Train:
Salerno Railway Station is 25 km from Atrani. In front of the Station main entrance, stop SITA buses bound to Amalfi. The last but one stop is at Atrani. Tickets can be bought at the News Stand by the Station main entrance. The ride takes about 1 hour.
Alternatively, from the Tourist Harbour (Porto Turistico), 500 m from the Railway Station, leave Travelmar ferries bound to Amalfi. Tickets can be bought at the ticket office by the ferry pier. The ride takes about 40 minutes (the time table is at www.travelmar.it).
For more info, write to info@travelmar.it or call (+39) 089 872950.
- By air:
Napoli airport is 55 km from Atrani. From the airport, take Bus #35 or Alibus to Napoli Central Railway Station. Travel by train to Salerno, the ride takes about 45 minutes. Then follow the directions above.
In weekdays, two daily flights from Milano and one daily flight from Roma also fly to Salerno airport, which is 10 km from Salerno. From the airport, take Bus #8 (the time table is at cstp.it/avvisiweb/AEROPORTO2.pdf) or a taxi, to Salerno Railway Station. Then follow the directions above.