8–10 Apr 2024
SMI, Postsparkasse, Georg Coch Platz 2, 1010 Wien
Europe/Vienna timezone

Ab Initio Study of Low-Energy Antiproton-Nucleus Systems

8 Apr 2024, 16:35
3rd floor (SMI, Postsparkasse, Georg Coch Platz 2, 1010 Wien)

3rd floor

SMI, Postsparkasse, Georg Coch Platz 2, 1010 Wien

Presence talk Nuclear and Hadronic Physics with antiprotons and antineutrons


Alireza Dehghani (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)


Despite a century since E. Rutherford's discovery of neutrons, many aspects of this particle remain uncertain. Notably, neutron halos, exemplifying the quantum realm, were revealed through indirect measurements a few decades ago. In a pioneering effort, the PUMA experiment at CERN [1] exploits the unique property of antiprotons – the sensitivity of the annihilation process to the nuclear density's tail – to investigate the asymmetry in neutron/proton distribution at the nuclei's surface. Our focus is on providing theoretical guidance to support this ambitious experiment. To that end, we study the scattering of antinucleons from various targets by introducing an $N\bar{N}$ optical potential into the No-Core Shell Model combined with the Resonating Group Method (NCSM/RGM) [2]. I will present our preliminary findings on the scattering of antinucleon from ${}^2$H, ${}^3$H, and ${}^3$He targets, including our results for low-energy observables (phaseshift, scattering length) as well as scattering cross-section.
[1] T. Aumann, W. Bartmann, O. Boine-Frankenheim, A. Bouvard, A. Broche, F. Butin, D. Calvet, J. Carbonell, P. Chiggiato, H. De Gersem, R. De Oliveira, T. Dobers, F. Ehm, J. F. Somoza, J. Fischer, M. Fraser, E. Friedrich, A. Frotscher, M. Gomez-Ramos, J.-L. Grenard, A. Hobl, G. Hupin, A. Husson, P. Indelicato, K. Johnston, C. Klink, Y. Kubota, R. Lazauskas, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, N. Marsic, W. F. O Müller, S. Naimi, N. Nakatsuka, R. Necca, D. Neidherr, G. Neyens, A. Obertelli, Y. Ono, S. Pasinelli, N. Paul, E. C. Pollacco, D. Rossi, H. Scheit, M. Schlaich, A. Schmidt, L. Schweikhard, R. Seki, S. Sels, E. Siesling, T. Uesaka, M. Vilén, M. Wada, F. Wienholtz, S. Wycech, and S. Zacarias, European Physical Journal A 58, 88 (2022).
[2] P. Navrátil, S. Quaglioni, G. Hupin, C. Romero-Redondo, and A. Calci, Physica Scripta 91,053002 (2016).

Primary authors

Alireza Dehghani (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab) Dr Guillaume Hupin (CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab)

Presentation materials