15–19 Apr 2024
Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC) de l'Université Paris-Cité
Europe/Paris timezone

HEPiX Spring 2024 in Paris, France

Aereal view of Paris at night

The latest edition of the more than 30 years-old series of workshops of learning and sharing experiences and establishing contacts between sites facing scientific computing and data challenges is over! It featured thematic sessions on the future of Linux in the community and on deploying dual-stack IPv6/IPv4 connectivity to site computing services. There have been technical presentations by some vendors including our sponsor Seagate and invited presentations by other science communities allied to HEP. With all that and the abstracts submitted for the various tracks, we had a very successful, productive, informative, interesting and inspiring week full of exchanges and networking. Join us at future workshops and tell us about your projects, ideas, experiences (successes as much as failures), issues and so on!

More information about the HEPiX workshops, the working groups (who report regularly at the workshops) and other events is available on the HEPiX Web site.

The workshop was hosted by the Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe (IRFU) of CEA Saclay and was held at the Amphithéatre Buffon of the Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC) of the Université Paris-Cité in the city centre of Paris (13th arrondissement, 15 rue Hélène Brion, 75013 Paris) not far from the François Mitterrand library.

Logo APCAcknowledgement (in French): Ce travail bénéficie d'une aide de l'État au titre de France 2030 (P2I -Graduate School Physique) portant la référence ANR-11-IDEX-0003.

Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC) de l'Université Paris-Cité
Amphithéatre Buffon
15 rue Hélène Brion 75013 Paris France
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Application for this event is currently open.