23–26 May 2024
Mitchell Institute, Texas A&M University
America/Chicago timezone

New Physics Opportunities at Tau Neutrino Experiments

25 May 2024, 14:25
Hawking Auditorium (Mitchell Institute, Texas A&M University)

Hawking Auditorium

Mitchell Institute, Texas A&M University


Prof. Seodong Shin (Jeonbuk National University)


In this talk, I will discuss the potential of current/future tau neutrino experiments in probing new physics beyond the Standard Model. A focus will be given to a tau neutrino-philic new particle that can play an important role in the evolution of early Universe.


Pouya Bakhti (JBNU) Prof. Seodong Shin (Jeonbuk National University) meshkat rajaee (JBNU)

Presentation materials