23–26 May 2024
Mitchell Institute, Texas A&M University
America/Chicago timezone

A guide to diagnosing colored resonances at hadron colliders

25 May 2024, 17:25
Hawking Auditorium (Mitchell Institute, Texas A&M University)

Hawking Auditorium

Mitchell Institute, Texas A&M University


Ian Lewis (The University of Kansas)


We present a comprehensive study on how to distinguish the properties of heavy dijet resonances at hadron colliders. A variety of spins, chiral couplings, charges, and QCD color representations are considered. Distinguishing the different color representations is particularly difficult at hadron colliders. To determine the QCD color structure, we consider a third jet radiated in a resonant dijet event. We show that the relative rates of three-jet versus two-jet processes are sensitive to the color representation of the resonance. We also show analytically that the antennae radiation pattern of soft radiation depends on the color structure of dijet events and develops an observable that is sensitive to the antennae patterns. We demonstrate our results numerically at a 14 TeV LHC, and the methodology presented here should be applicable to other future hadron colliders.


Ian Lewis (The University of Kansas)

Presentation materials