1–4 Jul 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Checkpointing for long running Machine Learning Tasks

4 Jul 2024, 15:00
"Standard talk" Plenary Session Thursday


Jonas Eppelt (Karlsruher Insititute of Technology (KIT))


The increasing application of Machine Learning (ML) in High Energy Physics (HEP) analysis and reconstruction necessitates the use of GPUs. The extensive runtimes associated with training neural networks make them vulnerable to runtime constraints and failures.

Checkpointing, which involves storing the current state of the training persistently, offers a solution to these challenges. It allows for continuing training at a later time or different location, providing resilience against failures and adherence to time constraints.

Moreover, checkpointing contributes to sustainable computing efforts. For instance, training can be scheduled during periods of abundant renewable energy supply and paused when the supply is limited.

This presentation introduces a Python interface that consolidates common HEP community tools for storing checkpoints and rescheduling tasks. Examples on how to use this tool in combination with different setups like luigi workflow management or htcondor will be shown.

Primary author

Jonas Eppelt (Karlsruher Insititute of Technology (KIT))


Matthias Schnepf

Presentation materials