Oct 24 – 28, 2011
Hosted by TRIUMF, SFU and the University of Victoria at the Harbour Center - Downtown Vancouver
Canada/Pacific timezone

Open discussion on HEP-SPEC06

Oct 25, 2011, 2:30 PM
Hosted by TRIUMF, SFU and the University of Victoria at the Harbour Center - Downtown Vancouver

Hosted by TRIUMF, SFU and the University of Victoria at the Harbour Center - Downtown Vancouver

515 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC Canada V6B 5K3
Computing & Batch Services Computing


Dr Michele Michelotto (INFN Padua & CMS)


The HEP-SPEC06 benchmark was designed by a working group born during the HEPIX meeting in JLAB. The HS06 is now the standard for measuring computing power in HEP and also in other scientific areas that make use of Computing GRID. The goal of this discussion is to understand how the HEPIX community sees the future of HS06.


Dr Michele Michelotto (INFN Padua & CMS)

Presentation materials