Oct 24 – 28, 2011
Hosted by TRIUMF, SFU and the University of Victoria at the Harbour Center - Downtown Vancouver
Canada/Pacific timezone

Contribution List

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Erik Mattias Wadenstein (Unknown)
10/24/11, 10:15 AM
Site Reports
Update of recent and current events at NDGF.
Mr Martin Bly (STFC-RAL)
10/24/11, 11:00 AM
Site Reports
The latest from the RAL Tier1.
Dr Michele Michelotto (INFN Padua & CMS)
10/24/11, 11:15 AM
Site Reports
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Site Report
Dr Helge Meinhard (CERN)
10/24/11, 11:30 AM
Site Reports
News from CERN since last meeting
Walter Schon
10/24/11, 12:05 PM
Site Reports
Site report GSI
Hung-Te Lee (Academia Sinica (TW))
10/24/11, 12:20 PM
Site Reports
Site report of ASGC.
connie sieh (Fermilab)
10/24/11, 3:00 PM
IT Infrastructure and Services
Current status of Scientific Linux Futures of Scientific Linux
Michel Jouvin (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR)), Pierrick Micout (CEA)
10/25/11, 11:00 AM
Site Reports
Site report of GRIF/LAL and GRIF/Irfu
Andrei Maslennikov (CASPUR)
10/27/11, 10:00 AM
Storage & Filesystems
Mr Roger Goff (DELL)
10/27/11, 2:00 PM
Computing & Batch Services
To be defined
Sandy Philpott (JLAB)
10/28/11, 11:45 AM