Oct 24 – 28, 2011
Hosted by TRIUMF, SFU and the University of Victoria at the Harbour Center - Downtown Vancouver
Canada/Pacific timezone

CVMFS Production Status Update

Oct 27, 2011, 12:00 PM
Hosted by TRIUMF, SFU and the University of Victoria at the Harbour Center - Downtown Vancouver

Hosted by TRIUMF, SFU and the University of Victoria at the Harbour Center - Downtown Vancouver

515 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC Canada V6B 5K3
Storage & Filesystems Storage & File Systems


Ian Collier (UK Tier1 Centre)


The CernVM-FS has matured very quickly into a production quality tool for distributing VO software to grid sites. CVMFS is now in production use at a number of sites. This talk will recap the technology behind CVMFS and discuss the production status of the infrastructure.


Ian Collier (UK Tier1 Centre)

Presentation materials