Storage & File Systems
- Andrei Maslennikov (CASPUR)
- Peter van der Reest (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Storage & File Systems
- Andrei Maslennikov (CASPUR)
- Peter van der Reest (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Simon Liu
10/27/11, 9:00 AM
Storage & Filesystems
The ATLAS Tier1 data centre at TRIUMF provides a highly efficient and scalable storage components to support LHC data analysis and production. This contribution will describe and review the storage infrastructure and configuration currently deployed at the Tier-1 data centre at TRIUMF for both disk and tape, as well sharing of past experiences. A brief outlook on test beds and future expansion...
Patrick Fuhrmann
10/27/11, 9:30 AM
Storage & Filesystems
The European Middleware Initiative is now rapidly approaching its projects half-value period. Nearly all objectives of the first year of EMI-Data have been achieved and the feedback from the first EMI review has been very positive. Internet standards, like WebDAV and NFS4.1/pNFS have been integrated into the EMI set of storage elements, the already existing accounting record has been extended...
Andrei Maslennikov
10/27/11, 10:00 AM
Storage & Filesystems
William Maier
(University of Wisconsin (US))
10/27/11, 11:00 AM
Storage & Filesystems
The University of Wisconsin CMS Tier-2 center serves nearly a petabyte of storage and tens of thousands of hours of computation each day to the global CMS community. After seven years, the storage cluster had grown to 250 commodity servers running both the dCache distributed filesystem and the Condor batch scheduler. This multipurpose, commodity approach had quickly and efficiently scaled to...
Giuseppe Lo Presti
10/27/11, 11:30 AM
Storage & Filesystems
[Still to be confirmed]
The Data and Storage Services (DSS) group at CERN develops and operates two storage solutions for the CERN Physics data, targeting both Tier0 central data recording and preservation, and user-space physics analysis. In this talk we present the current status of the two systems, CASTOR and EOS, and the foreseen evolution in the medium term.
Ian Collier
(UK Tier1 Centre)
10/27/11, 12:00 PM
Storage & Filesystems
The CernVM-FS has matured very quickly into a production quality tool for distributing VO software to grid sites. CVMFS is now in production use at a number of sites. This talk will recap the technology behind CVMFS and discuss the production status of the infrastructure.