Oct 24 – 28, 2011
Hosted by TRIUMF, SFU and the University of Victoria at the Harbour Center - Downtown Vancouver
Canada/Pacific timezone


Grid, Cloud & Virtualisation

Oct 26, 2011, 8:30 AM
Hosted by TRIUMF, SFU and the University of Victoria at the Harbour Center - Downtown Vancouver

Hosted by TRIUMF, SFU and the University of Victoria at the Harbour Center - Downtown Vancouver

515 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC Canada V6B 5K3


Grid, Cloud & Virtualisation

  • There are no conveners in this block

Grid, Cloud & Virtualisation

  • Ian Gable (University of Victoria)
  • Tony Cass (CERN)
  • John Gordon (Particle Physics-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory-STFC - Science)
  • Keith Chadwick (Fermilab)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ian Collier (UK Tier1 Centre)
10/26/11, 11:35 AM
Grid, cloud and virtualization
Status of work on virtualisation and cloud computing at the RAL Tier 1.
Building timetable...