Oct 24 – 28, 2011
Hosted by TRIUMF, SFU and the University of Victoria at the Harbour Center - Downtown Vancouver
Canada/Pacific timezone

CERN Computing Facilities Evolution Update

Oct 24, 2011, 2:00 PM
Hosted by TRIUMF, SFU and the University of Victoria at the Harbour Center - Downtown Vancouver

Hosted by TRIUMF, SFU and the University of Victoria at the Harbour Center - Downtown Vancouver

515 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC Canada V6B 5K3
IT Infrastructure and Services IT Infrastructure


Wayne Salter (CERN)


There are a number of projects currently underway to improve and extend the CERN computing facilities which have been reported at previous HEPiX meetings. An update will be given on the current status of these projects and particular emphasis will be placed on efficiency improvements that have been made in the CERN Computer Centre and the resulting energy, and hence cost, savings.



Presentation materials