26–28 Aug 2024
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

PoWER: A new concept for the DUNE FD3 Photon Detection System

27 Aug 2024, 16:00
Oral Neutrinos Applications


Dr Andre Fabiano Steklain Lisboa


The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) aims to probe CP violation in the neutrino sector and identify the neutrino mass hierarchy. In addition, using the DUNE Photon Detection System (PDS) can aid in reconstruction using charge information, improving the search for proton decay, observing supernova neutrino bursts, and studying solar neutrinos. DUNE will employ liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) detector technology, consisting of far and near detectors 1300 km from each other. The far side will be composed of four modules, where the first two modules use horizontal drift single-phase LArTPC and vertical drift single-phase LArTPC. The third module (FD3) will also be a vertical drift single-phase LArTPC in a 13 m x 13 m x 60 m volume with a cathode plane inserted in the middle and the charge collection performed by two anode planes. We propose a novel concept for the FD3 PDS, the Polymer Wavelength shifter and Enhanced Reflection - PoWER. In this concept, we cover the field cage entirely with polymeric wavelength shifting foils (PolyEthylene Naphthalate – PEN). The light will be detected by large arrays of SiPMs mounted on the membrane. We use the same optimization of the ganging schemes developed for previous Far Detectors and cold electronics. In addition, we use a combination of standard and VUV-sensitive SiPM to use the LAr buffer between the field cage and membrane as an active veto. We also use large plastic panels lined up with an Enhanced Specular Reflector (ESR) (reflectivity 95% in the visible) installed on the membrane to improve the detection probability. The cathode will also be (partially) covered with PEN and, eventually, reflector. A 4% active coverage with photosensors over the membrane should allow for improvements in the low energy physics range probed in DUNE, especially regarding supernova neutrinos (~10 MeV). We present a preliminary study using a Monte Carlo simulation, including a Light Map for photons generated inside FD3.


Dr Andre Fabiano Steklain Lisboa Ettore Segreto (University of Campinas UNICAMP (BR))


Ana Amelia Machado (UNICAMP) Dr Luciana Hirsch (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná) Márcio Adames (Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR))

Presentation materials