26–28 Aug 2024
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Characterization of the Hamamatsu R12699-106-M4 2-inch Photomultipliers in MarmotX and XAMS

27 Aug 2024, 12:30


Maricke Flierman (Nikhef)


The novel square Hamamatsu R12699-106-M4 2-inch photomultiplier tubes (PMT) feature a four-anode readout in a single low-profile package with a high photocathode coverage (about 75%). This makes them attractive as potential light detectors in future liquid-xenon based direct detection dark matter experiments, such as DARWIN/XLZD. The low-profile reduces buoyancy and therefore the amount of material required close to the xenon target. The multi-anode readout allows for a single high voltage cable, further reducing material and potential backgrounds. I will show results from the MarmotX facility at the University of Zurich, where these PMTs were first characterized in liquid xenon (LXe) cryogenic conditions. I will then discuss the performance of the PMTs in the XAMS time projection chamber at Nikhef.


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