Single-phase noble-liquid detectors have been proposed as a potential solution to the limitations introduced by the liquid-gas interface of dual-phase time projection chambers.
Following our previous research on electroluminescence (EL) production in liquid xenon (LXe) using a classical microstrip plate design, we report our findings on the operation in LXe of a microstrip plate with a virtual cathode (VCC) design and 2-um-wide parallel anode strips deposited on one face.
Electrons extracted from alpha-particle tracks induce EL in the intense non-uniform electric field in the vicinity of the strips. The signals produced (S2) are recorded along with the primary scintillation ones (S1) by a PMT immersed in the liquid. Moreover, the intense field near the strips induces charge avalanches, which are also detected. We find that this strip-plate configuration provides enhanced light and charge yields as well as better electrical stability at higher potentials than a plate with interlaced anode and cathode strips deposited on the same face. We will present our preliminary results on the operation of a VCC plate with a semi-conductive glass substrate (s8900), demonstrating its superior photoyield - reaching hundreds of photons/ionization electrons. The impact of the substrate material on the performance of the device will also be discussed.