18–19 May 2024
Istanbul University
Europe/Istanbul timezone

Geometric Z' Boson as Dark Matter and Its Implications for Black Hole Formation

18 May 2024, 11:45
Istanbul University

Istanbul University

İstanbul Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi
Sözlü Sunum


Dr Beyhan PULIÇE (Sabancı Universitesi)


In this talk, we will show that metric-Palatini gravity, extended with the antisymmetric part of the affine Ricci tensor and extended also with a matter sector involving the affine connection, reduces dynamically to general relativity plus a geometric massive vector field such that the geometric vector couples to fermions in a universal fashion. We show that due to its geometrical origin this geometric vector, the geometric $Z^\prime$, does not couple to scalars and vector bosons. It couples only and only to fermions in a universal fashion. We show that this geometric $Z^\prime$ could well be a viable dark matter candidate. We also show that this geometric $Z^\prime$ hampers black hole formation, and its matter couplings worsens the situation. We will briefly discuss possible black hole solutions in the Einstein-geometric Proca model in the AdS background and in the Symmergent gravity.


Dr Beyhan PULIÇE (Sabancı Universitesi)

Presentation materials