Opening day
Submission deadline
Abstracts can be submitted for six tracks:
Non-resonant HH and self-coupling
Resonant HH/SH and BSM models
Performance: trigger, object reconstruction, calibration, and identification
Self coupling at future colliders
Rare production mode (VHHH, HHH, …) and quartic-coupling
The deadline for abstract submission is postponed to January 31st at 23:59 CET. Candidate speakers can expect a decision regarding their submission by mid February.
In case you would accept a change of contribution type to Lightning talk or Poster, please also select one or both of the following "tracks" as you deem appropriate:
This abstract can be considered also for a Lightning talk (~5/7 minutes talk)
This abstract can be considered also for a Poster
We have external funding that allows to support a few young speakers.
Those willing to apply should fill also the dedicated form available here, uploading a CV (including a statement of research interests), as well as a support letter from scientific supervisor.