22 April 2024 to 22 June 2024
Europe/London timezone


Electronics and DAQ

23 Apr 2024, 13:00



Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ulla Blumenschein (University of London (GB))
23/04/2024, 13:00
Ulla Blumenschein (University of London (GB))
26/04/2024, 09:00
Weida Zhang (University of Oxford (GB))
30/04/2024, 13:00
Weida Zhang (University of Oxford (GB))
03/05/2024, 09:00
Andrew Rose
10/05/2024, 09:00
Andrew Rose
14/05/2024, 13:00
Andrew Rose
17/05/2024, 09:00
Sneha Amogh Naik (University of Glasgow (GB))
17/05/2024, 12:00
Building timetable...