More than 300 satellites are being developed worldwide, some of which are used to promote the space sciences. Waseda University and Tokyo-Tech are developing a 50 kg-class satellite “GRAPHIUM,” scheduled for launch in FY2026. The satellite aims to expand MeV gamma-ray astronomy that has stagnated for over 30 years. The primary detector of the satellite is a box-type Compton camera (INSPIRE)...
The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility, located on board the Chinese Space Station, is expected to make significant advancements in cosmic-ray observations, dark matter searches, and gamma-ray astronomy, thanks to its innovative design. The HERD geometry is based on a 3-dimensional imaging calorimeter, which is surrounded on five sides by a fiber tracker, a plastic...
Full waveform digitization is an obvious solution for many particle physics detectors: Nyquist sampling ensures no information is lost, and extraction of important features can be postponed to later offline analysis, or can even be done by a fast FPGA before storage to disk. For large-scale photon detectors used in neutrino physics, however, the dynamic ranges run from just single photons to...
Astrophysical sub-millisecond time-scale transient phenomena, such as fast radio burst and giant radio pulses from the Crab pulsar, have been observed in radio wavebands, although their origins are still unknown. To reveal them, a photon detector with high sensitivity and high time resolution is required. Recently, we have developed Imager of MPPC-based Optical photoN counter from Yamagata...
The applications of previously reported two-dimensional (2D) Cap Resistive Layer (CRL) Position Sensitive (PS) SiPM were limited due to their small 6.14×6.14 mm² active area and position distortions at corner due to interaction between adjacent strip metal electrodes. In this study, we developed a 4×4 array of 1D CRL PS SiPMs with total active area of 24.6×24.6 mm². By employing a cathodes and...