May 20 – 24, 2024
US/Central timezone

Summer school for graduate students in the DOE Traineeship in Computational HEP programs TAC-HEP, WATCHEP and C2-THE-P2 and LGT4HEP. The event will be hosted at Fermilab starting from the morning of May 20th and ending on May 24th around lunchtime.

The event is taking place in the Sunrise room (WH11NW - Wilson Hall 11th floor North East corner).

This training event is supported by Department of Energy grants DE-SC0023528 (TAC-HEP), DE-SC0023527 (WATCHEP),  DE-SC0023524 (C2-THE-P2)  and DE-SC0024053 (LGT4HEP). Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the developers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Energy.

This is the second event, following the first traineeship school held in 2023 at Princeton University.

Wilson Hall 11 NE (Sunrise)