ATLAS-RPC in view of TS1 interventions

304/1-007 (CERN)



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ATLAS-RPC in view of TS1 interventions
Zoom Meeting ID
Roberto Guida
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One thing which we will have to determine (and I just discussed with Paolo) is, whether we will need to ramp down the toroid for the intervention (which is likely but not yet decided for TS1). Probably the whole intervention will become much easier if the field is OFF….



 1) Check quick connectors at rack level with sniffer     [gas-group]
 2) Check point of leaks found with sniffers by gas group  [RPC-team]
 3) Check line reconnections for (a subset of) repaired chambers     [RPC-team]
 4) Check lines with flowmeter with bad value ( i.e. very low or no flow)     [RPC-team]
 5) Pilot test for spotting leaks outside the chambers:     [gas-group + RPC-team]
 a) test lines downstream the chambers
 overpressure on output manifold with open input à spot leaks on output lines and faulty valves
 b) test lines upstream the chambers
 set low pressure on an input line closing the chambers at the impedance
 use secondary system to select a single line?

1) Development of a flowmeter system in view of an installation on each rack line (A.Ozbey) 
2) Removal of bypass from flowmeters (installed in view of a very large flow)      
3) Calibration of flowcells (if rack upgrade ongoing, to minimize stop-and-start)      
4) O2 sensor installed locally on each rack [gas-group]
5) Tests for spotting leaks outside the chambers  [RPC-team]  [gas-group]  [gas-group + RPC-team]
6) Upgrade of old racks (protect chambers by pressure spikes, possibility to save gas, …)  need funding approval by muons/ATLAS        


one short meeting one week before TS

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