EOSC Symposium 2024
H4 Hotel Berlin Alexanderplatz
Registration Alexander Foyer
Alexander Foyer
Light sandwich lunch till 12:45 1h 15m
Opening session Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
The main objective of the EOSC Symposium opening session is to set the scene for the entire EOSC Symposium event. High-level invited speakers will be featured in the opening session to provide the participants with an overview of the landscape in which EOSC operates and highlight the strategic importance of the EOSC initiative in the EU Data Strategy. The opening session will also be the venue to update the entire EOSC community on the latest EOSC developments and discuss the progress and next steps to build-up the EOSC Federation.
Welcome from the chair 10mSpeaker: Sara Garavelli (EOSC Symposium Programme Committee Chair, CSC - IT Center for Science and EOSC Association Board of Directors)
Video message from the Federal Minister of Education and Research, Germany 10mSpeaker: Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (Federal Minister of Education and Research, Germany)
Video message by the European Commissioner 10mSpeaker: Iliana Ivanova (Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, European Commission)
Opening speech by the Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General "Research and Innovation", European Commission 10mSpeaker: Signe Ratso (Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General "Research and Innovation", European Commission)
Video message from the former Prime Minister of Italy 10mSpeaker: Enrico Letta (former Prime Minister of Italy and author of the recent “Much more than a market” report)
Changing gears to accelerate EOSC 1h
Introduction by the chair 5mSpeaker: Sara Garavelli (EOSC Symposium Programme Committee Chair, CSC - IT Center for Science and EOSC Association Board of Directors)
Update from the European Commission 15mSpeaker: Michael Arentoft (Head of Open Science and Research Infrastructures Unit, Directorate-General “Research and Innovation”, European Commission)
Update from the EOSC Steering Board 15mSpeaker: Volker Beckmann (Coordinator for the implementation of EOSC in France at the Ministry for Higher Education and Research (MESR) & EOSC Steering Board co-chair)
Update from the EOSC Association 15mSpeaker: Karel Luyben (President of the EOSC Association)
Q&As 10m
Wrap-up by the chair 10m
Group photo and networking coffee break 30m
Examples of EOSC scientific, societal and economic impact (Part 1) Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Get to know the speakers-
Opening of the chair 5mSpeaker: Karel Luyben (President of the EOSC Association)
Examples of EOSC scientific and societal impact from WorldFAIR 15mSpeaker: Simon Hodson (CODATA)
Examples of EOSC scientific and societal impact from GO FAIR 15mSpeaker: Erik Schultes (GO FAIR Foundation)
Examples of EOSC societal and economic impact from CERN / ESCAPE 15mSpeaker: Giovanni Guerrieri (CERN)
Wrap up and final remarks 10m
EOSC and the European Health Data Space Grenander I
Grenander I
The European Health Data Space is a an ecosystem that define rules, standards, infrastructures and a governance framework for the management of health data to: 1) Empower the citizen in the control and access of health data; 2) setting up a trustworthy environment for the secondary use of health data in research, innovation and policy-making. The EHDS and EOSC share goals on the secondary use of data for research and complementarities.
In this regard, the EOSC-A has created a Task Force on Health Data to work on the identification of special requirements, regulations and the ethical and legal grounds to make the access and processing of health data in the context of EOSC fair and safe, and to explore the activities in the context of the EHDS to search for gaps and avoid the replication of efforts.
Get to know the speakers and panelists-
EOSC-A activities on health data 5mSpeaker: Ignacio Blanquer (Universitat Politècnica de València)
The new Health Data Task Force: objectives and workplan 10m
Petr Holub, BBMRI-ERIC - AT and EOSC-A Health Data Task Force
Roundtable on the alignment of the EHDS and EOSC 45m
Chair: Ignacio Blanquer
- Petr Holub, BBMRI-ERIC - AT and EOSC-A Health Data Task Force
- Salvador Capella Gutierrez, BSC and EOSC4CANCER
- Antonio Skarmeta, UM and EOSC-TITAN
- Jerome de Barros, DG-SANTE
INFRAEOSC projects: Early results and future plans for the common collaboration areas Friedrich Wilhelm
Friedrich Wilhelm
The session introduces the work of the Opportunity Area (OA) Expert Groups, a mechanism for voluntary collaboration on technical and related matters within the Horizon Europe (HE) Co-programmed Partnership for EOSC. It convenes representatives of Opportunity Area Expert Groups from current HE EOSC-related projects and EOSC Association Task Forces to i) briefly present current developments within the OA Expert Groups, including pertinent outcomes and future plans, and ii) jointly discuss a way forward to maximize the impact of the HE EOSC-related projects. The session is designed to give the audience a flavor of the groups‘ fundamental role in facilitating strategic collaboration, and in increasing the visibility and effectiveness of EOSC-related activities and joint efforts.
Opening Statement 5mSpeaker: Javier López Albacete, (European Commission, DG RTD)
Introduction to Opportunity Area collaboration framework 10mSpeaker: Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi (Graz University of Technology)
Panel discussion: Opportunity Area Expert Groups - Early results and future plans for the common collaboration areas 40m
- Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi, Graz University of Technology (chair)
- Tibor Kálmán, Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung
- Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström, National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden, SciLifeLab / ELIXIR Sweden
- Chris Schubert, Vienna University of Technology
- Björn Grüning, University of Freiburg
- Celia van Gelder, Health-RI
- Suzanne Dumouchel, EOSC Association
Looking ahead – Sustaining the collaboration (EOSC Winter School 2025) 5m
Networking coffee break 30m
Examples of EOSC scientific, societal and economic impact (Part 2) Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
The purpose of the session is to explore instruments and best practices to generate and document impact in relation to EOSC, FAIR principles and Open Science. The first presentation will describe the the early findings of the PATHOS project that is exploring how to better understand and measure Open Science impacts. The first presentation will be followed by a second presentation by ELIXIR providing a concrete example of socio-economic impact. The session is closed with a panel discussing the lessons learnt and challenges in showcasing and documenting impact for EOSC, FAIR and Open Science.
Get to know the speakers and panelists-
Opening of the chair 5mSpeaker: Javier López Albacete (European Commission, DG RTD)
Presentation by PATHOS project 15mSpeaker: Natalia Manola (CEO of OpenAIRE)
Industry value from infectious disease data 15mSpeaker: Despoina Sousoni (ELIXIR Hub)
Panel discussion on lessons learnt and challenges to showcase and document impact 25m
Panel chair: Javier López Albacete, European Commission, DG RTD
- Natalia Manola, OpenAIRE & PATHOS project
- Despoina Sousoni, ELIXIR Hub
- Ilaria Nardello, EOSC-A
Wrap up 5m
Unconference | As open as possible, as restricted as necessary: EOSC sensitive data exchange Grenander I
Grenander I
First we will introduce the drivers from biomedical research and the social sciences - the challenges in finding, sharing and analysing data sets while respecting the rights and ethical principles which apply; then, future EOSC solutions for FAIR sensitive data - technologies for the deployment of secure Cloud or physical technologies, tools to assist data rights holders to anonymize and share data, and the development of operational, policy and legal frameworks.
Participants will connect to the requirements gathering and solution design teams for sensitive data in EOSC.
Get to know the speakers and panelists-
Sensitive data re-use in European Research: presentations by TITAN, SIESTA and EOSC-ENTRUST, chaired by Peter Maccallum, ELIXIR 20m
- EOSC-ENTRUST - Heidi Laine, CSC - IT Center for Science
- TITAN - Antonio Skarmeta, University of Murcia
- SIESTA - Ville Tenhunen, EGI Foundation
Panel discussion and audience Q&A 40m
- Jonathan Tedds, ELIXIR (chair)
- Heidi Laine, CSC - IT Center for Science
- Antonio Skarmeta, University of Murcia
- Ville Tenhunen, EGI Foundation
- Peter Maccallum, ELIXIR
- Mark Dietrich, EGI Foundation
Unconference | No data without software! Friedrich Wilhelm
Friedrich Wilhelm
Organised by: NFDIxCS, NFDI4DataScience, Software Heritage Foundation, FAIRCORE4EOSC
The goal of this session is discussing the needs for sustainable research software development within/across disciplines, and elaborating on infrastructure and methodological developments.
This session deals with the role of software in scientific processes, and the way to develop such software to achieve reproducibility and reuse of research data. This includes categorizing and archiving software in a time-capsule allowing it to reopen/reuse it after a while.
With an interactive format, the audience will share experiences and pain points from (not) using long-archiving infrastructure. Involving multiple perspectives from various fields, will help to gather requirements and sharpen the idea of a supportive research environment.
Get to know the speakers-
Welcome 5mSpeaker: Jan Bernoth (University of Potsdam)
Introductory talks 15m
Role of software in data-driven scientific processes 5mSpeaker: Michael Goedicke (University of Duisburg-Essen, NFDIxCS)
Developing Software for the long-term 5mSpeaker: Gabriele Taentzer (University of Marburg)
Long-term Archival of Software 5mSpeaker: Morane Gruenpeter (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology)
Moderated structured interactive discussion 35mSpeaker: Jan Bernoth (University of Potsdam)
Wrap-up 5m
Networking dinner 4h Hofbräu Wirtshaus Berlin
Hofbräu Wirtshaus Berlin
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 30, 10178 Berlin. Just a one minute walk from the venue.
Scientific keynote Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Welcome from the chair 5mSpeaker: Sara Garavelli (EOSC Symposium Programme Committee Chair, CSC - IT Center for Science and EOSC Association Board of Directors)
Scientific keynote: FAIR, what else? 20mSpeaker: Claudia Draxl (Professor for solid-state theory at the Physics Department of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Director of FAIRMAT)
Q&As 5m
EOSC Federation Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
The EOSC Federation will consist of multiple “EOSC Nodes” that are interconnected and can collaborate to share and manage scientific data, knowledge, and resources within and across thematic and geographical research communities. This session will mark the official launch of the first node of the EOSC Federation, the EOSC EU Node, and will provide the EOSC Symposium participants with an overview of the status of implementation of the rest of the EOSC Federation and the related next steps.
More about the EOSC EU Node: Owned by DG CONNECT, the EOSC EU Node is a platform that primarily supports multi-disciplinary and multi-national research promoting the use of FAIR data and supplementary services in Europe and beyond. In addition, the EOSC EU Node is a platform that facilitates the creation of the EOSC Federation, following the system of systems architectural principle of federated research infrastructures. The oversight of the EOSC EU Node platform services is provided by the EOSC Tripartite Governance.
More about the EOSC Federation: To fully unlock the benefits of EOSC, one single node is not enough: additional “EOSC Nodes” need to be established and enrolled into the EOSC Federation.
Get to know the speakers and panelists-
Opening by the chair 5mSpeaker: Ingrid Dillo (Senior advisor at Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS))
EOSC Federation and the EOSC EU Node 5mSpeaker: Michael Arentoft (Head of Open Science and Research Infrastructures Unit, Directorate for Research and Innovation, European Commission)
Launch of the EOSC EU Node 5mSpeaker: Gustav Kalbe (Acting Director of the Directorate‑General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG Connect C) “Digital Excellence and Science Infrastructure”)
The EOSC EU Node 15mSpeaker: Peter Szegedi (Policy Officer in the High Performance Computing and Applications Unit, Directorate‑General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT.C), European Commission)
Q&As with EOSC EU Node contractors 20mSpeakers: Norbert Meyer (PSNC), Spiros Athanasiou (ATHENA RC)
Status of the EOSC Federation 10mSpeaker: Bob Jones (CERN and EOSC Association Board of Directors)
Panel discussion with perspectives on the EOSC Federation by the EOSC Tripartite representatives 30m
- Chair: Ingrid Dillo, DANS
- Dejan Dvorsek, DG RTD, European Commission
- Inmaculada Figueroa, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities & EOSC Steering Board
- Bob Jones, CERN and EOSC Association Board of Directors
- Peter Szegedi, DG CNECT, European Commission
Networking coffee break 30m
Getting ready for the EOSC Federation: perspectives of different stakeholders (Part 1) Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
The EOSC Federation is going to bring together providers of data, services and e-infrastructures as a system of systems, to deliver to researchers seamless access under a common umbrella. This session is going to provide the stakeholders’ perspective, by highlighting different ways forward for resource providers, funders and policy makers. This should be seen as a learning exercise: we will discuss approaches that lead towards a federated system, examples on how support can be achieved at national level, and how the challenges and opportunities can be tackled by those who want to engage as EOSC nodes.
In this first of two sessions, we focus on the point of view of countries and actors at the national level.
Get to know the panelists-
Opening of the session 5mSpeaker: Sumithra Velupillai (Swedish Research Council)
Panel discussion 50m
- Sumithra Velupillai, Swedish Research Council (chair)
- Ludek Matyska, Masaryk University and CESNET
- York Sure-Vetter, German National Research Data Infrastructure
- Ron Augustus, SURF
- Annika Glauner, ETH Zurich / Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
Wrap-up 5m
Unconference | EOSC collaborative frontiers to achieve interoperability and enhance scholarly data Grenander I
Grenander I
Organised by: GraspOS, SciLake, OSTrails, FAIRCORE4EOSC
This session explores advancements in scholarly data interoperability within EOSC. It examines the Scientific Knowledge Graph - Interoperability Framework (SKG-IF), a Research Data Alliance model for managing scholarly data, currently being utilized and enhanced in EOSC projects like GraspOS, SciLake, OSTrails, and FAIRCORE4EOSC. Representatives from research communities testing the framework will offer insights on its specific applications: data and metadata management, FAIRness, research assessment, and research discovery. The session aims to showcase collaborative efforts to enhance EOSC's data interoperability and gather community feedback on the SKG-IF development roadmap.
Opening by the chair 5mSpeaker: Stefania Amodeo (OpenAIRE)
Pitch presentations 25m
- "The SKG Interoperability Framework: progress and challenges in EOSC onboarding", Thanasis Vergoulis, Athena Research Centre
- "Steps towards FAIRness, interconnectivity and machine actionability across all research phases", Elli Papadopoulou, Athena Research Centre
- "Insights from the network of repository managers", Matt Buys, DataCite
- "Insights from research assessment and bibliometric experts", Andrea Mannocci, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Next steps in EOSC 30m
Discussion moderated by Giulia Malaguarnera, OpenAIRE
Unconference | Open Science Competence Center in the EOSC and beyond Friedrich Wilhelm
Friedrich Wilhelm
Organised by: Skills4EOSC, OSCARS, EOSC-EuroScienceGateway, EOSCFocus, EVERSE, OA5 expert group
This unconference session examines the roles and definitions of Competence Centres within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Participants will discuss their scope, share initiatives, evaluate impacts, and identify challenges and opportunities. Updates on the OSCARS and EVERSE projects and the Skills4EOSC Network will guide the discussion. The participant-driven format promotes collaboration, allowing attendees to share experiences and contextualise initiatives. A panel discussion will engage the audience using interactive tools. The session aims to develop short-/mid-term synergies across projects and start work towards a community paper on Competence Centres' goals, strategies, and their relation to EOSC Nodes.
Get to know the panelists-
Opening of the session 3mSpeaker: Natalia Galica (EOSC Focus)
Introduction to CCs' roles and missions, taking stock of results from Skills4EOSC and OSCARS 7mSpeakers: Romain David (European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents)), Sara di Giorgio (GARR)
Panel discussion 45m
- Natalia Galica, EOSC Focus (chair)
- Sara di Giorgio, Skills4EOSC, GARR
- Romain David, OSCARS, European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents
- Anika Erxleben-Eggenhofer, Galaxy community & EuroScienceGateway, University of Freiburg
- Fotis Psomopoulos, EVERSE, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Wrap-up 5mSpeaker: Natalia Galica (EOSC Focus)
Networking lunch 1h 30m
Getting ready for the EOSC Federation: perspectives of different stakeholders (Part 2) Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
The EOSC Federation is going to bring together providers of data, services and e-infrastructures as a system of systems, to deliver to researchers seamless access under a common umbrella. This session is going to provide the stakeholders’ perspective, by highlighting different ways forward for resource providers, funders and policy makers. This should be seen as a learning exercise: we will discuss approaches that lead towards a federated system, examples on how support can be achieved at national level, and how the challenges and opportunities can be tackled by those who want to engage as EOSC nodes.
In this second session, European federations from different backgrounds relevant for EOSC will discuss their experience and expectations to help building the EOSC Federation.
Opening of the session & setting the scene 10mSpeaker: Bonnie Wolff-Boenisch (CESSDA ERIC)
Panel discussion with representatives of European federations 45m
- Bonnie Wolff-Boenisch, CESSDA ERIC (chair)
- Jan Korbel, European Molecular Biology Laboratory
- Natalie Haley, Instruct-ERIC
- Cathrin Stöver, GÉANT
- Martine Pronk, LIBER Europe
- Martino Romaniello, European Southern Observatory
Wrap-up 5m
Legal issues along the research data cycle Grenander I
Grenander I
Data access and re-use has become increasingly important for research activities. As an example, developments in artificial intelligence rely on the use of large, high-quality datasets. However, researchers face hurdles. Various data and digital legislations have been recently adopted, creating a complex landscape not always easy for them to navigate. Additionally, there is the need to support capacity building on appropriate IP and research data management, to help researchers with issues such as data ownership, cross-border sharing of data and research security. The roundtable will involve legal experts, representatives from infrastructures and research organizations, to discuss challenges and possible ways forward.
Get to know the panelists-
Opening of the session 5mSpeaker: Stefan Skupien (Berlin University Alliance)
Panel discussion 30m
- Katja Mayer, University of Vienna (chair)
- Stefan Skupien, Berlin University Alliance (chair)
- Kasper Drazewski, Centre for IT & IP Law, KU Leuven
- Irene Schlünder, BBMRI-ERIC
- Michael Arentoft, Head of Unit for Open Science and Research Infrastructures
Q&A 15m
Priorities for the round table participants & wrap-up 10m
Unconference | Data competencies: Training, education, qualification for researchers and data stewards Friedrich Wilhelm
Friedrich Wilhelm
Organised by: NFDI Section EduTrain, NFDI4Health, DALIA Knowledge-Base for FAIR data usage and knowledge graph
Training and education are important prerequisites for research data management and data science. At European level and within the EOSC, there are already a number of projects dealing with this topic, e.g. Skills4EOSC and ELIXIR/TeSS. At national level, the German NFDI addresses capacity building at both disciplinary and cross-cutting levels. In this unconference, we want to bring national and European actors together to raise awareness, share knowledge and perspectives, and encourage collaboration and discussion on alignment. Verifiable, trustworthy credentials will be a particular focus, as the responsible use of data within ethical and legal constraints becomes increasingly important.
Get to know the panelists-
Opening by the chair 5mSpeaker: Jens Dierkes (University of Cologne)
Brief introduction to Training and education - NFDI perspective/ Initiatives 5mSpeakers: Jens Dierkes (University of Cologne), Jochen Ortmeyer (RWTH Aachen University)
Panel discussion with representatives of relevant stakeholder groups 25m
- Ulrich Sax, University Medical Center Göttingen (chair)
- Konrad Förstner, ZB MED Information Centre for Life Sciences
- Jochen Ortmeyer, RWTH Aachen University
- Celia van Gelder, Health-RI, ELIXIR Netherlands, Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences
- Aneta Pazik-Aybar, National Science Centre Poland
Plenary discussion 20m
Wrap-up 5m
Networking coffee break 30m
EOSC Federation Handbook Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
The EOSC Federation Handbook will comprehensively address the purpose, structure, governance, architecture and operations of the EOSC Federation.
This session will focus on the ongoing developments and status of preparation of the EOSC Federation Handbook.
Get to know the panelists-
Opening by the chair 5mSpeaker: Bob Jones (CERN, EOSC Association Board of Directors)
Introductory presentation 15mSpeaker: Andy Götz (EOSC Association)
Panel discussion with representatives of the EOSC Handbook Writers' Group and e-Infrastructures 35m
- Bob Jones, CERN, EOSC Association Board of Directors (chair)
- Andy Götz, EOSC Association
- Nanette Rißler-Pipka, Max Weber Foundation
- Sally Chambers, Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
- Giorgio Rossi, EOSC Steering Board
- Pantelis Tziveloglou, European Commission, DG RTD
Wrap-up 5m
Data retention Grenander I
Grenander I
The research data management activities that deliver initial curation and active preservation (identified as priority concepts by the Long-Term Data Preservation Task Force) are in turn dependent on clear appraisal and reappraisal over time to guide transparent information about retention periods and terms (including storage and preservation).
The Retention Task Force will deliver a landscape review of community needs around retention and appraisal, and engage with forthcoming projects on preservation frameworks and networks of trustworthy repositories. By reaching a broad understanding by the EOSC community around the activities, functions and concepts the TF will identify needs and make strategic recommendations on continued actions, including via the Multi-Annual Roadmap and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.
This session will set the stage for this topic, process and engagement, including seeking panel and audience feedback on key issues, connection points and approaches.
Get to know the panelists-
Opening and introduction to the session by the chair 5mSpeaker: Jenny O'Neill (HEAnet)
Short presentation by the panelists 20m
- Olivier Rouchon, Centre national de la recherche scientifique
- Micky Lindlar, TIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology
- Mari Kleemola, Tampere University, Finnish Social Science Data Archive and Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives
Discussion seeking panel and audience feedback on key issues, connection points and approaches 30m
- Jenny O'Neill, HEAnet (chair)
- Olivier Rouchon, Centre national de la recherche scientifique
- Micky Lindlar, TIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology
- Mari Kleemola, Tampere University, Finnish Social Science Data Archive and Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives
Wrap-up 5m
FAIR metrics & data quality Friedrich Wilhelm
Friedrich Wilhelm
The productivity of research data within a trustworthy and reliable process chain requires a precise statement on FAIRness and data quality management for the targeted support of digital research objects, infrastructures, tools and services.
Both fundamentals, FAIR and data quality in research data management, face specifics, e.g., for data lifecycle, provenance, and the re-use of data across thematic domains. Do we have any mechanisms to provide low-barrier opportunities for implementing indicators from a funding perspective? What are the incentives and benefits as the value in governance, community development of standards, and metrics?In this participative discussion, we would like to provide insights into the potential benefits and individual incentives that infrastructures like the NFDI consortia, policymakers, and funding agencies or publishers can offer to individual research activities in promoting the development of FAIR Metrics and data quality considering rapid technological developments and advanced requirements.
Get to know the panelists-
Opening and introduction 5m
Opening by Chris Schubert, TU Wien
Introduction by Kathrin Winkler, European Commission, DG R&I -
Short presentations by panelists 15m
- "Data quality and FAIRness as an ongoing and collaborative endeavor: a funder's perspective", Jan Rohden, National Research Data Infrastructure / German Research Foundation
- "Insights from a UK Bioscience Infrastructure and beyond", Carole Goble, University of Manchester / ELIXIR-UK
- "Uniformed method development and its contribution to reproducibility and research integrity", Paul Butler, Springer Nature (Protocols.io)
Interactive panel discussion 35m
Moderated by Kathrin Winkler, DG RTD, European Commission
Paul Butler, Springer Nature
Carole Goble, University of Manchester / ELIXIR-UK
- Jan Rohden, NFDI / German Research Foundation
- Chris Schubert, TU Wien
Wrap-up 5mSpeaker: Chris Schubert (TU Wien)
Networking coffee break 30m
EOSC Federation - Interoperability Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Unlocking the full potential of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) hinges on seamless access to high-quality research data and services. This session delves into the critical concepts of technical and semantic interoperability, the cornerstones of a truly interconnected research environment.
Experts will explore:
- Technical Interoperability: Ensuring services across EOSC can communicate and exchange data efficiently.
- Semantic Interoperability: Standardizing how data is described (metadata) to facilitate effortless discovery across diverse thematic and regional nodes.Join the discussion!
This interactive session welcomes your insights and experiences. Together, we can shape a more user-friendly EOSC, empowering researchers with a powerful platform for scientific collaboration and discovery.Get to know the speakers and panelists-
Opening of the session 5mSpeaker: Carole Goble (University of Manchester)
Presentations 20m
- Barbara Magagna, GO FAIR Foundation
- Simon Hodson, CODATA
- Dimitris Koureas, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Panel discussion 30m
- Carole Goble, University of Manchester (chair)
- Barbara Magagna, GO Fair Foundation
- Simon Hodson, CODATA
- Dimitris Koureas, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
- Jiří Marek, Masaryk University
- Diego Scardaci, EGI Foundation
Wrap-up 5m
EOSC and the Digital Twins Grenander I
Grenander I
Digital Twins have proven their potential in revolutionising approaches to challenging tasks in the industrial sector, and are increasingly being leveraged as a research method bringing similar innovative approaches to the way science is performed.
This session aims to bring relevant Digital Twins initiatives in Europe (DestinE, BioDT, DT-GEO, interTwin and ILIAD/aquaInfra) highlighting new dimensions of interoperability at data and service levels. Thanks to the focus on interoperability, as well as on challenges and transferrable approaches and tools, the session will be a unique opportunity for the EOSC Community to discover the wide range of possibilities that Digital Twins can offer, in all research domains, and the role Digital Twin Platforms can play in future EOSC Nodes.
Get to know the speakers-
Opening of the session 5mSpeaker: Xavier Salazar (EGI Foundation, interTwin)
Short presentations from the projects 25m
- interTwin, Xavier Salazar, EGI Foundation
- BioDT, Gabriela Zuquim, CSC - IT Center for Science
- DT-GEO, Ignacio Blanquer, Universitat Politècnica de València
- ILIAD / AquaInfra, Arne Berre, SINTEF Digital
- Destination Earth, video message by Thomas Geenen, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Panel discussion - Digital Twins and EOSC Nodes: Opportunities and Challenges 25m
- Xavier Salazar, EGI Foundation (chair)
- Arne Berre, SINTEF Digital
- Ignacio Blanquer, Universitat Politècnica de València
- Gabriela Zuquim, CSC - IT Center for Science
Wrap-up 5m
Unconference | Findability in FAIR: Touchpoints between EOSC and Open Web Search Friedrich Wilhelm
Friedrich Wilhelm
Organised by: FAIRCORE4EOSC, FAIR-IMPACT, OpenWebSearch.eu
This session explores novel ways for current and future collaboration in findability (F) in FAIR, and how it contributes to the future goals on FAIR data and principles in the context of EOSC. The session addresses the importance of transparency in development of search applications and tools, and discusses how widening collaboration may benefit the whole research community. The session investigates synergies within science-search-focused contexts through examples from OpenWebSearch.eu, FAIRCORE4EOSC and FAIR-IMPACT. It discusses how improved findability impacts science, industry and society as a whole. It contributes to the objectives outlined in the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and to Europe’s sovereignty for accessing and using the web.
We will engage the audience into discussions through an audience interaction platform, and approach the topic of findability with emphasis on collaboration. This session will be a great opportunity to find synergies and boost ideas by injecting the user perspective.
Get to know the panelists-
Opening of the session and pitch talks from the projects 20m
- "Introduction to innovative solutions to improve findability from user perspective by FAIRCORE4EOSC", Paolo Manghi, OpenAIRE
- "Outside of the EOSC box – how can potential users in the research community benefit from novel solutions to access information in the web with examples from OpenWebSearch.eu", Michael Granitzer, University of Passau
- "For the benefit of end-users in the European research community - FAIR-IMPACT addressing findability via project and community collaboration", Josefine Nordling, CSC - IT Center for Science
Panel discussion and Q&A: Crucial directions through collaboration aiming at developing findability benefiting the potential users among the European research community 35m
- Nick Juty, University of Manchester (moderator)
- Paolo Manghi, OpenAIRE
- Josefine Nordling, CSC - IT Center for Science
- Michael Granitzer, University of Passau
- Anna-Lena Flügel, German Climate Computation Center
Wrap-up 5m
FAIR data for AI and AI for FAIR data Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Opened by an inspirational keynote by Professor Julia Lane from New York University looking at Artificial Intelligence (AI) trends and how FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles are now being adapted in the context of AI models and datasets, the session continues with a panel aimed at further exploring the role of FAIR data for AI and AI for FAIR data. The panel discussion will address questions such as:
- Generative AI needs high-quality data: to what extent can FAIR metadata be useful for that?
- Can AI support researchers and data practitioners to automatically produce FAIR data and/or metadata?
- Can FAIR data improve the understanding of the provenance of AI models?
Get to know the speakers and panelists-
Welcome by the chair 5mSpeaker: Klaus Tochtermann (ZBW and EOSC Association)
Keynote speech 40mSpeaker: Prof. Julia Lane (New York University)
Panel discussion 45m
- Klaus Tochtermann, Director of the ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics and University and Director at the EOSC Association (chair)
- Michael Goedicke, paluno – the Ruhr Institute for Software Technology
- Julia Lane, New York University
- Alvaro López García, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Networking coffee break 30m
Thematic contributions to EOSC Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
The session intends to collect a broad insight into the needs of scientific domains in order to stimulate necessary actions for smooth integration of their data services into the EOSC federation of connected nodes. Selected disciplines/domains cover the diversity of scientific communities in their readiness to develop and maintain an EOSC node. Domain-specific EOSC nodes will have different approaches and capabilities to operate services for their own community and, especially, beyond. These differences include technical aspects but also others, such as organizational and financial which may affect enrolment of these nodes or onboarding of services to the EOSC federation. This will in longer terms define the structure and evolution dynamics of the federation.
Get to know the speakers and panelists-
Opening of the session 5mSpeaker: Marialuisa Lavitrano (University of Milano-Bicocca, EOSC Association)
Presentation 10mSpeaker: York Sure-Vetter (NFDI)
Impulse statements from the thematic communities 30m
- Jens Habermann, BBMRI-ERIC
- Sara Pittonet, Blue-Cloud 2026, Trust-IT
- Andreas Witt, Leibniz Institute for the German Language, University of Mannheim
- Marek Cebecauer, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- Nils Hoffmann, German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure & ELIXIR Germany
Panel discussion including Q&As with the audience 40m
Panel chairs: Marialuisa Lavitrano, BBMRI-ERIC and EOSC Association; York Sure-Vetter, NFDI and Jan Hrušák, Czech Academy of Sciences and EOSC Steering Board
- Jens Habermann, BBMRI-ERIC
- Sara Pittonet, Blue-Cloud 2026, Trust-IT
- Andreas Witt, Leibniz Institute for the German Language, University of Mannheim
- Marek Cebecauer, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- Nils Hoffmann, German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure & ELIXIR Germany -
Wrap-up 5m
Deep dive into the EOSC EU Node Grenander I
Grenander I
Join us for an in-depth session to learn from our panelists how the recently launched EOSC EU Node can support their multi-disciplinary and multi-national research workflows, as well as their visibility in the research community. Our distinguished panel includes representatives from both the research community and contributing organisations, sharing their use cases. Join us to get inspiration on how to use EOSC EU Node, as well as share your use cases and support us shape its evolution.
Get to know the panelists-
Opening of the session 10mSpeaker: Spiros Athanasiou (Athena Research Center)
Panel discussion with representatives of contributors and research communities in EOSC 50m
- Spiros Athanasiou, Athena Research Center (chair)
- Sandra Diaz, Forschungszentrum Jülich
- Angeliki Adamaki, Lund University
- Ivar Janmaat, SURF
Q&A 30m
ZBW Open Science session | Bringing Open Science into action: The role of educating young researchers Friedrich Wilhelm
Friedrich Wilhelm
This session explores the important role of integrating Open Science into the training of early career researchers. It is essential not only to raise awareness of open science as such, but also to give good practices to researchers on how to apply them in their own field. Through the presentation of concrete examples, we will highlight innovative approaches and stimulate a discussion on practical strategies - in relation to, for example, Open Access, Open/FAIR Data, Open Research Software, and Open Educational Resources - with the aim of achieving Open Science Education.
Get to know the speakers-
Opening of the session 5mSpeaker: Guido Scherp (ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics)
Impulse statements from experts in the field of Open Science Education 30m
- “Towards effective Open science education“, Julia Priess-Buchheit, Kiel University
- “Presenting Open Science as Science in ECR Training: Perils and Benefits”, Maura Burke, Utrecht University
- “Developing Open Science teachers and trainers: pathways to success”, Helen Clare, Jisc
Q&A on the impulse statements 10m
Open Science Education “World café” 45m
Networking lunch 1h 30m
EOSC impact and opportunities on the infrastructure landscape Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
What is the impact of EOSC and specifically of the EOSC Federation on existing national infrastructures? This is one of the most frequently asked questions when discussing EOSC in different countries. In this session, representatives of different German infrastructures will reflect on the topic highlighting the challenges and opportunities that they see from their perspective. These introductory lightning talks will set the scene for a panel discussion that will include policy makers and infrastructure managers from different European countries. This session is jointly organised by the EOSC tripartite collaboration and NFDI, the German National Research Data Infrastructure.
Welcome by the chair 5mSpeaker: York Sure-Vetter (Director of the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI))
Lightning talks: the infrastructure landscape in Germany 25m
- Christian Grimm, the German National Research and Education Network (DFN)
- Sonja Schimmler, Fraunhofer/TU Berlin and Base4NFDI project
- Constanze Curdt, Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC)
- Andreas Witt, University of Mannheim/Leibniz Institute for the German Language in Mannheim, CLARIN ERIC
- Philipp Wieder, GWDG and EOSC EU Node Contributor
Panel discussion with invited panelists 55m
- Mauro Campanella, Italian National Research and Education Network (GARR)
- Andy Götz, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
- Stefan Hanslik, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBFW)
- Anna Krivjanská, Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (CVTI SR)
- Marion Steinberger, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Wrap-up and final remarks 5m
Closing of EOSC Symposium 2024 Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Plenary room (Alexander II + III)
Welcome from the chair 5mSpeaker: Ute Gunsenheimer (Secretary General of the EOSC Association)
Closing messages from Germany 10mSpeaker: Dr. Jochen Zachgo (Director-General for Higher Education, Research Systems, and Education Funding, Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Final remarks by the EOSC Tripartite Governance 15m
- Dejan Dvorsek, DG RTD, European Commission
- (tbc), EOSC Steering Board
- Ute Gunsenheimer, EOSC Association
NFDI closed co-located event starts 1m