Philip Clark
(University of Edinburgh)
15/06/2011, 14:00
Jim Shank
(Department of Physics-Boston University)
15/06/2011, 14:10
Giulio Eulisse
15/06/2011, 14:30
David Rousseau
15/06/2011, 15:20
Alexei Klimentov
(Department of Physics-Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
15/06/2011, 15:40
John Derek Chapman
(Cavendish Lab., Dept. of Physics-University of Cambridge)
15/06/2011, 16:00
Wishart David
15/06/2011, 18:00
Including Lecture on The Malt Whisky Cluster Vortex and Private Tour of Surgeons Museum.
Sponsored by Dell.
Roger Goff
16/06/2011, 09:00
Paolo Calafiura
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL))
16/06/2011, 09:30
Andrew John Washbrook
(University of Edinburgh), Dr
Douglas Smith
16/06/2011, 10:00
Manfred Alef
16/06/2011, 10:20
Rolf Seuster
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik-Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG))
16/06/2011, 11:10
Wim Lavrijsen
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL))
16/06/2011, 11:30
Paolo Calafiura
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL)),
Roberto Agostino Vitillo
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL)),
Wim Lavrijsen
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL))
16/06/2011, 12:00
Ian Collier
(UK Tier1 Centre)
16/06/2011, 12:20
Brian Paul Bockelman
(University of Nebraska)
16/06/2011, 14:10
Ilija Vukotic
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (LAL)-Universite de Pari),
Wahid Bhimji
(University of Edinburgh)
16/06/2011, 14:40
Amir Farbin
(Department of Physics-University of Texas at Arlington)
16/06/2011, 15:10
Alfio Lazzaro
16/06/2011, 15:30
Yngve Sneen Lindal
(Norges Teknisk-Naturvitens. Univ. (NTNU))
16/06/2011, 15:50
Andrew John Washbrook
16/06/2011, 16:10
16/06/2011, 19:30
Agua Restaurant, Apex City Hotel, Grassmarket, Edinburgh
(Note: there are two Apex hotels in Grassmarket...)
Markus Elsing
17/06/2011, 09:00
Christian Schmitt
(Institut fuer Physik-Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz)
17/06/2011, 09:20
Andrew John Washbrook
(University of Edinburgh)
17/06/2011, 10:20
Dmitry Emeliyanov
(Particle Physics)
17/06/2011, 10:30
Jacob Howard
17/06/2011, 10:50
Ilija Vukotic
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (LAL)-Universite de Pari)
17/06/2011, 11:30
Robert Harrington
(Boston University)
17/06/2011, 12:00
Alistair Hart
(Cray Exascale Research Initiative Europe)
17/06/2011, 12:20
Ilija Vukotic
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (LAL)-Universite de Pari)