9–13 Sept 2024
Dep. of Physics of the University of Coimbra
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Venue, Accommodation, Logistics


The workshop will take place at the Department of Physics of the University of Coimbra Location of the Department of Physics of the UC.

Lectures: third floor, room E10-A

Hands-on: third floor, room E2

Room for smaller meetings or quiet time: second floor, room D2



Lunches and coffee/tea wil be provided free of cost. You can indicate dietary restrictions when registering for the school.


Social  activities

On Monday, 9th, join for an informal afternoon drink. Details on the place will be provided.

The social dinner will be on Thursday, 12th, evening . Details will be provided later.



Eduroam is available and guest wifi accounts can be provided.



Coimbra has many  hotels and other accomodation. Please use your favorite booking tool to find a place -- book in advance. It is important to note that the university is on top of a hill, please check hotel location if that could be a problem. 

NOTE: no agency or company has been asked to arrange accomodation, so ignore e-mails from persons claiming that they can help you with the accomodation.