The buzz of b→sll decays and why it still matters.

23 Oct 2024, 16:30
Seminar Room, INPP, Videoconference via

Seminar Room, INPP, Videoconference via


Alice Biolchini (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))


Rare b→sll decays serve as a valuable laboratory for probing the Standard Model (SM) flavour universality. These decays are sensitive to potential contributions from heavy mediators that are not accessible through direct searches. The LHCb detector plays a crucial role in this sector, as it is specifically designed to study hadrons containing b or c quarks. LHCb has conducted various analyses focusing on b→sll decays, including branching ratio and angular measurements. Comparing decays to electrons and muons can potentially reveal differences between lepton families. This talk presents the latest LHCb results on b→sll analyses, with a particular focus on the rare B0→K∗0ee angular analysis.


Alice Biolchini (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))

Presentation materials