Mini-workshop on WWdiff focus topic

Alexander Grohsjean (Hamburg University (DE)), Jorge de Blas (Universidad de Granada (ES)), Junping Tian (The University of Tokyo), Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia (ES)), Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES))
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      Introduction to WWdiff focus topic and ECFA timeline
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      From Optimal Observables to Machine learning in EFT analyses of e+ e- ->W+W-
      Speaker: Jiayin Gu (Fudan University)
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      WW and multiboson projections and EFT interpretation at the HL-LHC
      Speaker: Alexander Savin (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
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      Detector-level studies of electroweak processes at future e+e- colliders and their interface to global interpretations
      Speaker: Jenny List (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
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