Jun 20 – 22, 2007
University of Roma "La Sapienza"
Europe/Zurich timezone
RICAP07 is the first edition of the RICAP Conference. The acronym stands for Roma International Conference on Astro-Particle physics. The motivation for the Conference arises from the relevance that astro-particle physics holds in research activity of people from the three public Universities in Roma (University of Roma “La Sapienza”, University of Roma “Tor Vergata”, University of Roma Tre). These institutions provide both theoretical and experimental contributions, and participate to major experimental projects in the field (Agile, AMS, Antares, Argo, Auger, Glast, Nemo, Pamela, …). We believe it will be useful to launch an International Conference entirely dedicated to high energy cosmic rays study. The Conference will be held every two years. The first edition will be held in University “La Sapienza”, the second edition will be hosted by University “Tor Vergata” and the third edition will be at Roma Tre. The aim of the Conference will be to present and discuss some of the most relevant theoretical and experimental results in the field of high energy cosmic rays. Special attention will be paid to the investigation of the various astrophysical sources, using photons, very high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos as probes (multi-messenger observations). The Conference will give the opportunity to collect experimental results; contributions from presently operating experiments (Hess, Magic, Pamela, Agasa, HiRes, Auger, Argo, Antares, Baikal, IceCube, Lopes, Anita …) are strongly encouraged. Experiments in progress and future projects (Agile, Glast, Nemo, Telescope Array ...) will be discussed, debating on the different features and on sensitivities. Particular relevance will be given to examine the different source candidates (point sources, transient sources, diffuse flux sources …); comparison of models and discussions will be promoted.
University of Roma "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro 2 00185 Roma - Italy
Conference WEB home page: http://www.ricap-conference.it