20–22 Jun 2007
University of Roma "La Sapienza"
Europe/Zurich timezone

Scientific Programme

Plenary Sessions Preliminary Program Extensive air showers: - Auger (including review of AGASA and HiRes results) --> UHECR - Review on Kascade, IceTop, TUNKA, ... Gamma Ray Astronomy on ground: - Air shower particle detectors: Argo, Tibet, ... - Water Cherenkov detectors: Milagro (and perspectives with HAWC) - Imaging atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes: HESS, MAGIC, VERITAS, CANGAROO, … Review of future EAS, IACT and fluorescence detectors (ASHRA, CRTNT, TUNKA-133, CTA ..) High Energy Neutrino Telescopes: - IceCube/AMANDA - Baikal (NT200 since 10 years, GVD planned) - Cherenkov neutrino Telescopes in Mediterranean Sea and future perspectives: ANTARES, NEMO, NESTOR, KM3NeT - Review and perspectives on "acoustic detection" of Ultra High Energy neutrinos (ANITA-lite, RICE, GLUE, FORTE, SALSA, AURA, ARIANNA..) - Review and perspectives on "radio detection" of Ultra High Energy neutrinos Space Detectors: - AMS, PAMELA, AGILE, GLAST, INTEGRAL - Review on future experiments (EUSO, OWL, …) Theory: - Dark Matter - Ultra High Energy cosmic rays and neutrinos (galactic and extragalactic sources, limits, fluxes, GZK, GZK neutrinos, ZBurst neut.) - Neutrinos from Gamma Rays sources - Review on acceleration theories, emission and transport Parallel sessions: - according to contributed papers Poster session - according to contributed papers