20–24 Jan 2025
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Instructions for Speakers

Instructions for Speakers at the QT4HEP conference

If you are invited to give a talk during the conference, please take note of the following points:

  • Make sure that you have uploaded your slides, or presentation under your name and  contribution in the time table well before the start of your session.
    • You do this by clicking on the little pen next to your contribution in the time table. You need to be logged in to your computing account when doing this. The system will automatically create a pdf file of your talk.
  • Please check the time of your talk, and make sure that you are present in the room at the start of the session. There will be reserved seats in the front of the room for speakers.
  • Respect the allocated time of your talk! Please include some time in the end for a question or two.
  • The room is equipped with a video projector and the recommended format for your slides is 16:9 in power point format. We recommend that you use the computer that is in the room, someone will help you to make sure your talk is displayed.
  • You will be equipped with a clip-on microphone in the Main Auditorium.
    • Speakers on the Tuesday session should go to the Tecnicians room in the Auditorium B/C, right next to the entrance of the auditorium.