1st WG4 General Meeting
Mattermost channel: https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/drd3/channels/wg4-general
Mailing list subscription: https://e-groups.cern.ch/e-groups/EgroupsSubscription.do?egroupName=drd3-wg4-simulations
The Meeting opened at 3pm and closed at 4.25
The average number of attendees has been 20, with peaks of 22
First, some updates about WG4 have been presented:
- the new EoI from Delhi University (Prof. Kirti Ranjan)
- the proposal to nominate the WG4 liaison persons among the people already appointed as LP by the other groups (J. Schwandt pointed out that some groups, like WG3, still don't have any LP)
- the new e-group rules (people willing to send announcements should inform the conveners before)
- the date for the next (2nd) General Meeting (5 August, 3pm)
- the proposal of categorization in order to organize the agenda of next general meetings (V. Gkougkousis suggested not to over-categorize the items to allow a more fluid discussion within each meeting. The conveners made clear that the idea is not to pigeon-hole people and institutes into categories, but rather an effort to structure the work and record of the group)
- the meetings are suggested to occur fortnightly for now, and if this is too frequent or infrequent, adjustments will be made
Then we had a fruitful round-table where:
D. Passeri presented the simulation activities at INFN Perugia concerning
- the radiation damage modeling
- the simulation of new materials
- TCAD design of LGAD-based detectors
Daniele pointed out the difficulties in setting up a general model for damage description and parametrization. The new Perugia model (even if accounting for high-fluence levels) is still based on a technology-dependent approach
K. Ranjan presented the simulation activities at Delhi University concerning
- the development of a dedicated radiation damage model (5- and 2-level models)
- TCAD design of SiC-based detectors and silicon LGADs (within the CMS framework)
Kirti expressed the need of having a data repository concerning any material/device characterizations in view of radiation damage studies and modeling. The best way to achieve this is to keep tight contact between WGs, and in particular with group-3 (radiation damage) and 5 (new materials).
Delhi University utilises Silvaco TCAD, and there was a brief discussion about how to get agreement with Synopsys TCAD and that it is not straightforward to switch between the frameworks. M. Bomben has experience, and can demonstrate how to go across from Synopsys to Silvaco
S. Spannagel presented the simulation activities at DESY concerning
- the development of a toolboox for MAPS simulations
- TCAD investigations on electric fields, weighting fields, current densities, capacitances, ...
- Monte Carlo simulations of thin MAPS (in 65 and 180 nm CIS) with pixels/strips
- Monte Carlo simulations of 3D sensors in collaboration with Trento University
Small discussion on impact ionisation, and why modelling is tricky. There is no single model that works everywhere, but several models that work only in specific conditions. Figuring out a good and consistent way to model this can be a key goal for this WG and DRD3
Details about the 2nd General Meeting will be delivered soon