Emittance growth and tail generation along the chain: mechanism, mitigation, and impact in LHC itself; influence of PS transition, transfer lines matching, degradation beyond burn-off.
Losses in PS-to-SPS, SPS, and at LHC injection: why is the situation improved in 2024? (blindable BLMs to be commissioned if long trains?)
Optimization of LHC2025 filling scheme in terms of filling time / beam degradation in SPS vs LHC (could be moved to the last talk)
Special beams: MDs, vdM, Impact of LINAC4 Automatic Feed Forward on reproducibility during beam adjustment
LHC beams: longitudinal beam quality across the injectors (splitting reproducibility), have we gained any operational margin with LIU beams during 2024? (injectors topics and on the LHC impact on quality only)