Dec 2 – 6, 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone
This course is full, new registrations will be included to the waiting list.


The FLUKA Course for beginners offers students and professionals working on radiation physics problems an introduction to the variuous functions and attributes of FLUKA, a general-purpose code for the Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport in complex geometries. The functionalities of the user interface Flair3 will also be introduced. The event is organized by the FLUKA.CERN collaboration.

This course will take place from

2 to 6 December 2024
at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
The course takes place at the CERN training centre, Meyrin site, in room 593/R-010. Registration starts at 8am on Monday 2 December.

This course is organized with the support of the CERN training centre, and we thank all involved colleagues for their contribution, and for making this event possible.

This course is in-person only, and no remote connection will be possible. Attendance will be capped at 30 participants.

Registration process

Registration can be started by filling in and submitting the registration form, no later than 13 October 2024. All registrations are reviewed before being approved, on a first come first served basis. This process takes a few days, after the approval of which you will be asked to proceed with the payment.

The fee for this course is as follows:

  • 400 CHF for academic users
  • 1400 CHF for commercial users


Coffee breaks, lunches as well as the social dinner are all covered by the above fees.

A few sponsorships are available for PhD Students, or participants from countries with a developing programme in physics. Requests for sponsorships are made directly through the registration form: by selecting the corresponding fee option, and submitting a cover letter detailing your current research, and how you use, or plan to make use of FLUKA.


The following payment options are available through the 'Payment' section of this Indico page:

  • Credit card: This is the fastest and simplest method if you are paying yourself and/or do not need a formal invoice. Note that fees apply to credit card payments, that will be added to the transaction. A receipt can be issued on request.
  • Bank Transfer: This is the preferred method in case your institute is paying on your behalf. In that case, a formal invoice is issued and billing information can be provided either in the registration form or by email at
    • Note that bank details are available in the 'Payment' tab and take precedence over the ones on the invoice. Please ask the course staff in case of doubt.


You have up to two weeks to either process the CC payment or request an invoice from us in case of Bank transfer. Past that time, your registration will be cancelled and a registrant on the waiting list will be allowed to proceed with theirs. In case you anticipate a delay in the payment, please contact the organisers as soon as possible.

Registrations are only considered complete after proof of payment is received.

Practical Information


The course is divided into lectures and exercises sessions, and touches on the following topics:

  • Geometry
  • Scoring
  • User Interface handling
  • Interactions and thresholds
  • Neutronics
  • Sources


Note that the course ends early on Friday (at around 4.30pm) to accomodate travels back home on Friday evening. 


The course will take place inside of CERN's campus, at the Meyrin site training centre. CERN is easily accessible by tram and bus from both Geneva airport and the main train station.


Accommodation is NOT included in the course fee.

Accomodation can either be taken nearby the course location at the participant's discretion, or can be arranged economically at the CERN hostel itself. Please tick the corresponding box in the course registration form to ask for a hostel booking form.


No particular experience with FLUKA or similar Monte Carlo packages is required. however, basic knowledge lf LINUX/UNIX is necessary, as well as reasonably fluent use of a plain-text editor and the ability to navigate through a file tree.

In terms of material, each participant is expected to bring their own laptop, having installed the latest version of both FLUKA and Flair so that they car participate in the hands-on and exercise sessions. There will be no time during the course to debug personal installations. A couple of weeks prior to the course, an installation check script will be made available to veryfy that the software and all its dependencies are correctly setup on your machine.

We strongly recommend participants to come with a mouse, as using a trackpad to navigate geometries can be very impractical.


The organisers may be contacted at
