May 12 – 16, 2025
JRC Geel
Europe/Zurich timezone

Registrations are open!

European Commission logo

An in-person FLUKA course at the beginner level will be hosted at the site of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Geel, Belgium. This training offers students and professionals working on radiation physics problems an introduction to the various capabilities of FLUKA, a general-purpose code for Monte Carlo simulations of radiation transport in complex geometries, making use of the functionalities of the Flair3 user interface.

This course will take place from 12 to 16 May 2025.

The event is organised by the FLUKA.CERN Collaboration with Unit G.II.6 (Nuclear Data and Measurement Standards) of the JRC. Among other activities, the Unit operates the GELINA and MONNET accelerator facilities, a guided visit of which will be organised during the course. See the About the JRC page for more information. Our sincere thanks go to the local organisation team, in particular to A. Plompen and A. Tsinganis, who made the course possible.


No previous experience with FLUKA or similar Monte Carlo codes is required. However, basic knowledge of Linux and the ability to navigate a directory tree and locate/copy/move files are necessary.

Participants are expected to bring their own laptop and to verify beforehand that the latest versions of both FLUKA and Flair have been installed, so that they can participate in the practical sessions. There will be no time during the course to debug personal installations. A few weeks prior to the course, an installation check script will be made available to verify that the software and all its dependencies are correctly set up on your machine.

We strongly recommend that participants come equipped with a mouse in order to easily navigate the Flair graphical interface and particularly the geometry editor.

Do not forget that you should be a registered FLUKA.CERN user in order to download the code and participate in the course. You can find the relevant instructions here.

Course fee

The course fee amounts to 450 CHF for academic users and 1450 CHF for commercial users. This includes participation to the course, transportation every day to/from the course location, lunch and coffee breaks on-site throughout the course, and a social dinner.

JRC Geel
Retieseweg 111, 2440 Geel Belgium
Application for this event is currently open.