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23–24 Jan 2025
Europe/Zurich timezone

VISA Instructions & other Practical information


Partcipants with no valid CERN access cards:

Please proceed with the registration if you are attending this meeting and you do not have a valid access card. 

After your registration, you will be asked to provide your date of birth, place of birth and nationality.  

Following that, you will receive an access code using which you can print your visitor's card at the CERN Community Support Centre (CCSC) located in Building 33. Opening hours: from 7.00 am to 6.30 pm, Monday to Friday.

Outside the opening hours of the CCSC, you can collect the card from the security guard at Entrance B." 

You can also print the document attached to the e-mail at home following the instructions in the e-mail.

Outside the opening hours of the Main Reception (Monday to Friday 8h30-17:30), you can collect the card from the security guard at Entrance B." 

You can also print the document attached to the e-mail at home following the instructions in the e-mail.

If you need a letter confirming the registartion to the Event, please proceed with the registration and contact the Neutrino Platform Secretariat as soon as possible.


Participants with a Valid CERN access card:

Please double check the validity of your contract via the HRT_PIE_Persons (the date printed on the badge does not refer to your contract). If a renewal or a new registration is needed, please liaise with your Team Leader before arrival and follow the guidelines available here

If you need an invitation letter (for a visa), please proceed with the registration and visit How to obtain an invitation letter and take the necessary steps as soon as possible.