17–19 Mar 2025
UZH Zentrum
Europe/Zurich timezone

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct


Our mission is to offer an in-person workshop environment to report and discuss the results of fundamental research in particle physics, pushing forward the frontiers of human knowledge. A Code of Conduct describes the basic standards of behavior that we intentionally respect within our scientific community.

We apply the CERN’s Code of Conduct as passed by the General Assembly in 2009 for our workshop. It does not duplicate or extend existing legal rights and obligations, nor is it an exhaustive list of “dos and don’ts”. It is intended to remind us how to conduct ourselves, treat others, and expect to be treated. It is designed to help us understand both our rights and our obligations.

These organizers of this workshop will consult with those who have suffered from harassment, suggest ways of redressing their problems, and counsel those accused of harassment, should such situations occur. After due consideration, The conference organizers may take action they deem appropriate, including warning or expulsion from the conference.