CAS procedure for CERN participants

Special arrangements for the local courses in Ferney-Voltaire (France).

  • Registration and authorization works like for any other CAS school.
  • This registration fee covers expenses such as a welcome drink, all coffee/tea breaks, and lunches. Registration fee payments are processed for each Department through a global TID issued by the Department Head secretariat. The CAS Secretariat provides the supplier (creditor) budget code.
  • Ferney-Voltaire falls within the local area (less than 50km from CERN sites), so a DTA would not normally be paid to registrants. Considering that all expenses are covered by CERN for participants and lecturers, CAS requests that no further expenses (including transport, miscellaneous, or others) be reimbursed to participants and lecturers. This also applies to expenses related to the use of private vehicles within the local area.
  • The CAS secretariat helps organising shared car transport among the students, such that also students without a car should find suitable transportation.
  • Participants and lecturers are required to complete an EDH TRVL request before their departure, as the course does not take place on a CERN site.