A certain familiarity with the topics of Electromagnetism and Special Relativity is helpful for the understanding of the course. For some of you this will be well known, for others it might be still something new.
In the course, there will be only a brief summary of these topics at the beginning.
If you feel less familiar with these, have a look before the course at some recordings of previous CAS lectures and online courses for these topics:
Introductory CAS course 2023 lectures
Introduction to Electromagnetism I - Dr. Irina Shreyber (48 min)
https://cds.cern.ch/record/2915283Introduction to Electromagnetism II - Dr. Irina Shreyber (47 min)
Introduction to Special Relativity - Dr. Irina Shreyber (53 min)
https://cds.cern.ch/record/2915299MOOC on Accelerator Science and Technologie - An online course about particle accelerators
This work is funded by the ARIES project. ARIES is co-funded by the European Commission Grant Agreement number 73087.
This course is released on under Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC-SA. This licence allows non commercial uses with attribution of the credits to the authors and share alike.
Electromagnetism - Prepared by Vittorio Vaccaro and Andrea Passarelli (8 videos, 5-10 min each)
Special relativity - Elias Metral et al. (15 videos, 3-10 min each)