AWAKE Run 2bc Spectrometer

6/2-008 (CERN)



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Marlene Turner
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Present: Edda Gschwendtner, Fern Pannell, David Cooke, John Farmer, Collette Pakuza, Marlene Turner, Michele Bergamaschi

Follow up and discussion:

  • FP did not yet have time to sort out the BG subtraction for analysis of the emittance measurements with foils in, but thinks that it is generally doable.
    • Will be part of FP's thesis.
    • Master student will only really start working in the spring
    • FP assures that analysis will be completed before the April 2025 Run.
    • JF to look into the effect of the exit ramp on the emittance measurement in simulations. Results expected in February.
  • CLEAR measurement results were presented at the last TB by FP.
    • MT asks is the uncertainty (20-40 um) is already sufficiently low, given that beam sizes of a few hundred microns were measured and the two are added in quadrature? DC replies that in principe for AWAKE analysis yes. FP agrees but states that for other people using these measurements, smaller errors would be better and it will depend on the focus of the technical paper.
    • MT asks is the CLEAR results will be summarized in a technical paper together with the description of the upgraded Run 2a/b spectrometer setup. FP replies that this is not yet clear, preferrably there would be two separate technical papers.
  • Run 2c spectrometer:
    • Next step: check doublet and triplet design option with Phillipe Schwartz (Magnets) and Gilles Le Godec (Power converters). To do MT: organize meeting in January after the TB.
    • Need to make a decision on where to place the magnets and whether to already leave enough space for Run 2d. DC: not a good idea because that will impact the magnification and therefore the quality of the Run 2c emittance measurements.
      • In that case MT suggests to already pre-cable for the Run 2d location.
    • MT: need to also start discussing the vacuum window with Nicolas Chritin, especially if it is going to be bigger than the last one. DC: to be looked into, same size may be ok. To do: DC to show what sized windows could measure what energy range.
    • DC to present charge sensitivity calculations plus triplet/doublet pro/cons list and vacuum window considerations at the next TB.


The next meeting is scheduled for the 5th of February 2025.

Happy holidays.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 13:30 13:50
      Discussion 20m
      Speakers: David Andrew Cooke (University of London (GB)), Fern Elizabeth Pannell (University of London (GB)), Fern Pannell (University College London), Marlene Turner (CERN)