WLCG Collaboration Workshop, in conjunction with CHEP 2012

New York

New York

All WLCG sessions will be held at the Kimmel Center.
The agenda for the WLCG Workshop is currently being prepared and is likely to cover recent operational experience and future plans, together with experiment-site sessions, as in previous such events.

The outline agenda is:

  • Saturday morning: operations issues - focus on requirements for 2012 and LS1 in particular
  • Saturday afternoon: experiment-site discussions (in series)
  • Sunday: future directions and plans, e.g. based on the outcome of the WLCG MB review of the Technical Evolution Groups (TEGs) reports (see below).

The TEG reports are here under the "Technical Evolution Strategy" folder. Note, that you have to be signed in in order to be able to see the folder.

A social event is foreseen for Saturday evening: The LOC has arranged a WLCG reception at the Rosenthal Pavilion, a glass-enclosed ballroom at the top of the Kimmel Center on Saturday, May 19th. Admission to the reception is included in the WLCG registration fee.

WLCG 2012 event page on CHEP 2012 site.

wlcg-workshop-may2012@cern.ch (mailing list for attendees)

    • Welcome
      • 1
        Local Introduction
        Speaker: Prof. Kyle Cranmer
      • 2
        Workshop Introduction
        Speaker: Dr Jamie Shiers (CERN)
    • WLCG Status and Futures

      As we look forward to LS1 numerous changes are in the pipeline or have recently taken place. How will these affect the service and how we operate it?

      • 3
        Evolution of the Tier0
        Speaker: Ian Bird (CERN)
      • 4
        The new GDB
        Speaker: Michel Jouvin (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
        GDB Indico
        GDB Twiki
      • 5
        Evolution of grid projects / funding
        • a) Includes EGI-InSPIRE SA3, EMI, OSG etc.
      • 10:45
        coffee break
      • 6
        Outlook for LS1
        Overview of experiment activities and global operations during LS1
        • a) Experiment activities - including processing of "parked data"
        • b) "Normal operations" - e.g. frequency and scope of current meetings
        • c) Planning and testing future changes / evolution
      • 7
        WLCG Network Futures
      • 8
        Diskless Tier2s
    • WLCG Collaboration Board: Agenda

      WLCG Collaboration Board (closed meeting)

    • Experiment-led sessions

      Discussions between the LHC experiments and the sites that support them - 1 hour each

      • 9
        Preliminary list of topics
        • a) Pledge and unpledged Resources
          Speaker: Borut Kersevan (Jozef Stefan Institute)
        • b) ATLAS Sites and Distributed Computing Operations
          Speaker: Dr Alexei Klimentov (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
        • c) Monitoring and Distributed Computing Information System (AGIS)
          Speaker: Alessandro Di Girolamo (CERN)
      • 10
        • a) Status of CMS Operations + Tier-2 support
          Oliver will review the status of CMS Ops since last WLCG workshop in Hamburg. He will also address how we support T2s, including an update/clarification on the central operations' expectations to the sites.
          Speaker: Oliver Gutsche (FERMILAB)
        • b) Outcome of the CMS survey to sites
          Daniele will briefly present and comment the results of the CMS survey (10 questions only!)
          Speaker: Dr Daniele Bonacorsi (University of Bologna)
        • c) News on monitoring for distributed computing operations
          Andrea will briefly go through the major news on monitoring for distributed computing Ops, namely what changed since Hamburg, and what is going to change next.
          Speaker: Dr Andrea Sciaba (CERN)
        • d) Usage of popularity information
          Domenico will briefly go through the CMS use of the popularity information, and how sites can profit of this.
          Speaker: Dr Domenico Giordano (CERN)
      • 11
      • 12
    • WLCG Reception
    • TEG outcomes
      • 13
        Main TEG Recommendations
        Speaker: Ian Bird (CERN)
      • 10:00
        coffee break
      • 14
        Detailed Implementation Discussions by TEG
        Speaker: T.E.G. Chairs
        • a) HMMXV timeline
        • b) Workload Management
          Speaker: Davide Salomoni (Universita e INFN (IT))
          more information
        • c) Database
          Speaker: Dave Dykstra (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
          more information
        • d) Operations and Tools
          Speaker: Dr Maria Girone (CERN)
        • e) Security
          Speaker: Mr Romain Wartel (CERN)
          more information
        • f) Data and Storage
          Speaker: Dirk Duellmann (CERN)
    • Post-LS1

      What do we need to do to validate changes / new services well prior to the next LHC data taking years ("RUN2")

      • 15
        Feasibility Study on Common Analysis Framework
      • 15:30
        coffee break
      • 16
        Common Data Management Strategies and Tools
        Speaker: Discussion
        • a) WLCG Transfer Monitoring - Status and Requirements
          Speaker: Julia Andreeva (CERN)
        • b) Discussion on possible "common solutions" in the (large) area of experiment data management
      • 17
        Workshop Wrap-up
        • a) First draft of Horizon 2015 (HMMXV) timeline
        • b) Awards