Overview: HSF general plans on input
The HEP Software Foundation is planning to provide an input document to the European Strategy on Particle Physics Update 2024-2026, with a focus on the 4 most compute-intensive topics: Event Generators, Simulation, Reconstruction and Software Triggers, Data Analysis
+ crucial topic of Training and Careers.
Today's workshop is focussed on input around Software Triggers and Reconstruction specifically.
Page limit is 10 pages for complete document: ~2 pages per topic (i.e. what is discussed here today will have to be summarised in 2 pages).
HSF's feedback will be a follow up to the HSF whitepaper & previous European Strategy Update:
Timeline (HSF general)
- Nov/Dec: Identify messages to pass (via mini workshop and discussions), prepare a 2-3 page summary.
- Jan: Put together all HSF topics to finalize draft.
- Feb: Circulate to community for feedback and suggestion.
- March: Endorsement by the community.
Meeting structure
We have prepared a google doc for people to add thoughts/discussions before, during and after workshop. Please use it!
At the end of the doc is a section for "Main Messages" we will aim to identify during the meeting. Please endorse the ones you agree are crucial!
We have several talks around important topics in Trig & Reco. They are each 15 minutes + 5 minute discussions.
At the end we have 20 minutes for discussion + any flash talks people have volunteered.
Keep in mind
- We aim to represent all experiments in HEP where computing challenges are paramount to inform on the international landscape: LHC experiments, Belle II, DUNE, future EIC, FCC etc, although natural focus on EU driven projects.
- We should highlight accomplishments, synergies, and implementations since last update, not just challenges.
- What we say on the topic of SW Trig & Reco should resonate with inputs submitted by individual experiments.
- We only have 2 pages. : )
What's next?
- Everyone is welcome to join the HSF coordination meetings (every second Thursday, 15h00 CERN time) if they have further input or could not attend this meeting. Please join!
- To sign up to mailing lists see the HSF forums webpage and click here for a community calendar.
- We will start drafting the Trig & Reco input on overleaf with the aim of completing a full draft by end Jan, circulation to community in Feb (see timeline above) - if you're interested in being editor, get in touch.
- Once a document is circulated, we encourage experiments to organise internal presentations at e.g. SW & Computing meetings to present the document and gather community feedback and agreement.
Auxiliary material
HSF Mini workshop on Training & Careers: Monday 2nd Dec @ 16h00
HSF Mini workshop on Detector Simulation: last Friday 22nd Nov
HSF seminar on Event Generation with GPUS: today, 16h30