Sergio Javier Arbiol Val (IFJ, Krakow), Overview of ATLAS forward proton detectors: performance and new physics results
Andrii Dashko (DESY Hamburg), Perturbative aspects of the electroweak phase transitions in the cxSM
Paola Delgado (Prague, CAS), Gravitational waves as a probe of new physics
Sharma Devanshu (Aachen), Non perturbative dynamics of stochastic inflation beyond slow-roll
Fabio van Dissel (Barcelona), Understanding semiclassical backreaction in quantum mechanics
Jost von der Driesch (KIT Karlsruhe), Measurements of the inclusive W and Z boson production cross sections and their ratios with the CMS experiment at sqrt(s) = 13.6 TeV
Charles Frontonteil (Innsbruck), Probing gravity with quantum sensing networks
Silvia Gasparotto (Barcelona), Gravitational wave memory from primordial black hole mergers
Serena Giardino (AEI Potsdam), Testing modified gravity with lensing of gravitational waves beyond geometric optics
Emilie Hertig (Cambridge), Towards new constraints on inflation with the Simons Observatory
Alex Jenkins (Cambridge), Cold atom analogues for vacuum decay
Monika Juzek (IFJ, Krakow), Fake tau lepton background estimation in the search for H+- --> tau nu with ATLAS Run-II data (2015-2018)
Sudip Kamar Kar (Jagiellonian Univ., Krakow), Exact Wigner function for Chiral Spirals
Theopanes Karydas (Amsterdam), A relativistic framework for black hole inspirals in dark matter spikes
Yves Kini (Amsterdam), Constraining neutron star masses and radii through pulse profile modelling
Lucy Komisel (MPP Munich), The gauge axion
Prisco Lo Chiatto (MPP Munich), Varying constants: an oxymoron at the intensity and precision frontier
Antonino Midiri (Geneve), Refined initial conditions for gravitational waves production from irrotational fluid perturbations in cosmological first order phase transitions
Mainak Mukhopadhay (Penn State), Neutrino signatures from magnetar remnants of binary neutron star mergers: coincident detection prospects with gravitational waves
Stefan Nellen-Mondragon (HEPHY, ÖAW and Univ. Vienna), Time-resolution in the Migdal effect
Nadine Nussbaumer (Heidelberg), To bounce or not to bounce in generalized Proca theory and beyond
Maria Olalla Olea-Romacho (Kings College London), Primordial magnetogenesis in the two-Higgs-doublet model
Julia Oseka (Jagiellonian Univ., Krakow), Causality in non-linear quantum wave equations
Kateryna Radchenko (DESY Hamburg), New probes of a first order electroweak phase transition
Henrik Rose (Potsdam), Linking microphysics and cosmology through next-generation detections of neutron star mergers
Giona Sala (Aachen), Cosmological parameter forecast with galaxies and dark sirens cross-correlation
Kristof Schmieden (Mainz), Towards the detection of high frequency gravitational waves
Jonathon Schubert (MPP Munich), How to find a heavy neutral lepton
Gloria Senatore (Zürich), The neutrinoless double beta-decay experiment LEGEND - R&D on wavelength-shifting reflector materials for the liquid argon instrumentation
Mukul Sholapurkar (HEPHY, ÖAW), Sensitivity to new physics with quantum acoustics
Isak Stomberg (Valencia), Higgsless insights to gravitational waves from cosmological phase transitions
Roxane Theriault (Jagiellonian Univ., Krakow), Relic graviton background from gravitational Cherenkov radiation
Katarina Trailovic (Ljubljana), Functional determinants and lifetime of the Standard Model
Rodrigo Vicente (Amsterdam), Probing ultralight scalars around black holes with LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observations
Kristyna Vitulova (Univ. Vienna), Enhancing gravitational wave detection with deep convolutional autoencoders