Application to participate

Participation is by invitation.

The Seminar welcomes applications from interested young researchers working in the topics of the conference: Ph. D. students and postdocs up to 4 years from Ph. D.

The Heraeus Foundation will support the local expences of selected young scientist participants: 3 nights hotel and most meals. There will be no registration fee. For practical space reasons, some sharing of rooms may be necessary. Selected young scientist participants should cover their own travel costs from home institute funds. They are expected to stay for the 3 days of the whole Seminar.

Selected young researchers should present a poster and a short few slides presentation. There will be 3 Heraeus Foundation sponsored prizes of 100 € each for the best posters as judged by a jury of senior colleagues.

Interested candidates should send an email with motivation (why you like to come) and short CV to kitzteilchen [at] They are also kindly asked to provide a supporting recommendation letter from a senior scientist. An email to kitzteilchen [at] will be sufficient. 

Women scientists are encouraged to apply.

Full consideration will be given to applications received before January 31, 2025.