Alice Weekly Meeting: Software for Hardware Accelerators / PDP-SRC - MINUTES ONLY

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David Rohr
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    • 10:00 AM 10:20 AM
      Discussion 20m
      Speakers: David Rohr (CERN), Giulio Eulisse (CERN)
    • 10:20 AM 10:25 AM
      Following up JIRA tickets 5m
      Speaker: Ernst Hellbar (CERN)
    • 10:25 AM 10:30 AM
      TPC ML Clustering 5m
      Speaker: Christian Sonnabend (CERN, Heidelberg University (DE))
      • Testing secondary vertexing. No significant difference found between both algorithms.
      • Simulated: 10 Ev 50kHz PbPb + 100 K0S (boxgen) + 100 Lambda (boxgen)
      • Secondary vertexing found 2888 V0s (GPU CF) / 2889 (NN)
      • Mass histograms look basically identical. Left: NN, Right: GPU CF, x = reconstructed invariant mass calculated as Lambda in GeV (exact mass = 1.1157 GeV)
      • No difference visible for K0 histograms, but mass peak is found (I would say). Exact mass = 0.4976 GeV


      • Lambda mass peak is not visible for either algorithm
      • More statistics necessary probably
      • Currently working on matching efficiency -> Got workflow working, but need to check if NN was actually correctly applied
    • 10:30 AM 10:35 AM
      ITS Tracking 5m
      Speaker: Matteo Concas (CERN)
    • 10:35 AM 10:45 AM
      TPC Track Model Decoding on GPU 10m
      Speaker: Gabriele Cimador (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))

      Global Parameter Optimisation

      Input dataset simulation

      Simulated several timeframes:

      • pp: 100kHz, 200kHz, 500kHz, 1MHz, 2MHz
      • PbPb: 10kHz, 15kHz, 20kHz, 27kHz, 35kHz, 42kHz, 47kHz, 50kHz

      Every timeframe simulated twice, one for 32 orbits timeframe and one for 128 orbits timeframe

      For the moment just one simulation per configuration (beam type - interaction rate - timeframe length)

      GPU Parameters study

      Focusing on grid and block size. Analysed the GPU workflow of the sync/async TPC processing. Image below is the workflow of two HIP streams of the sync TPC processing:

      By looking at the tracefile:

      • Clusterizer chain:
        • small concurrent kernels
        • overlap during execution
        • overall taking considerable time
        • --> dependent parameters, global optimisation
      • SliceTracker chain:
        • medium concurrent kernels
        • all streams used
        • main kernel is TrackletConstructor
        • trace file outputs that CreateSliceData takes a lot of time, however --debug does not say so, still investigating
        • trace file outputs "Marker" which is not present in nvidia trace files, still investigating
        • --> dependent parameters, global optimisation
      • Merger chain: 
        • MergeBorders_step2: lots of small concurrent kernels, concurrent to a limited set of other one stream kernels --> dependent parameters, global optimisation (within set)

        • SliceRefit: lots of small one stream kernels --> independent parameters, local optimisation
        • MergerTrackFit: one stream long kernel --> independent parameters, local optimisation (maybe limited since values dependent also on number of tracks)
        • MergerFollowLoopers: one stream medium kernel --> independent parameters, local optimisation
      • Compression/Decompression chain:
        • One stream kernels --> independent parameters, local optimisation
        • Multiple stream kernels, not overlapping --> independent parameters, local optimisation

      Optimisation strategy

      • For the moment just a "Manual Trial-and-Error" using observations from the output
      • Started from MergerTrackFit, why:
        • Long kernel
        • One stream
        • Not concurrent to any other kernels
        • Caveat: grid size dependent on number of tracks
      • Changing values in GPUDefGPUParameters.h takes a loooong time to compile, even with standalone benchmark
        • Currently forcing custom krnlExec object in kernel calls, e.g.: 
          runKernel<KernelClass, KernelClass::step>({{n_blocks,n_threads,stream}});
        • Not handy, but way faster
      • Created script that automatically fetches grid and block size for all the kernels, useful for runtime grid/block numbers like GetGrid(Merger.NOutputTracks(), 0, deviceType)

      Possible bug spotted

      HIP_AMDGPUTARGET set to "default" in GPU/GPUTracking/Standalone/cmake/config.cmake translates in HIP_AMDGPUTARGET=gfx906;gfx908 and forces to use MI50 params

      Basically here HIP_AMDGPUTARGET=gfx906;gfx908 enters the first if clause for MI50 even if I am compiling for MI100. Commented set(HIP_AMDGPUTARGET "default") on the config.cmake of the standalone benchmark and forced usage of MI100 parameters via

      cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../ -DHIP_AMDGPUTARGET="gfx908" ~/alice/O2/GPU/GPUTracking/Standalone/

      Did not investigate further on this.

      Possible ideas for post manual optimization

      1. Isolate the parameters which are dependent, i.e. kernels from the same task which run in parallel (e.g. Clusterizer chain)
      2. Apply known optimization techniques to such kernel groups
        1. Grid/random search
        2. Bayesian optimization?
          See: F.-J. Willemsen, R. Van Nieuwpoort, and B. Van Werkhoven, “Bayesian Optimization for auto-tuning GPU kernels”, International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS) at Supercomputing (SC21), 2021. Available:
    • 10:45 AM 10:55 AM
      Efficient Data Structures 10m
      Speaker: Dr Oliver Gregor Rietmann (CERN)