The 18th MCnet school will be held in Stirling, Scotland, with generous support from the University of Manchester HEP and the Scottish Universities Summer Schools in Physics (SUSSP82).
Stirling is one of the historic “royal burghs” of Scotland, on the edge of the lowlands and highlands, with a famous castle, monuments, and classic sightseeing options from hillwalking to distillery tours.
The school provides a five day course of training in the physics and techniques used in modern Monte Carlo event generators via a series of lectures, practical sessions, and discussions with event-generator authors. The school is aimed at advanced doctoral students and early-career postdocs.
Our core sessions comprise a series of introductory lectures on the physics of event generators, further lectures on a wider range of associated topics, a series of hands-on tutorials using all of the MCnet event generators for LHC physics, and evening discussion sessions with Monte Carlo authors.
The full list of lectures is:
- Introduction to Event Generators - Enrico Bothmann, CERN
- Parton Showers - Melissa van Beekweld, Nikhef
- Matching and Merging - Stefan Hoeche, Fermilab
- Jets in the High-Energy Limit - Jennifer Smillie, Edinburgh
- Aspects of the EW Standard Model - Alessandro Vicini, INFN Milano
- Model-Independent Measurements - Andy Buckley, Glasgow
- Event Generators for Heavy Ion Collisions - Leif Lonnblad, Lund
- Machine Learning in HEP - Gabriel Facini, UCL
- Neutrino Interactions and MC - Joanna Sboczyk, Mainz
- Data Science and Public Policy - Sarah Boutle, UK Govt
- MC and Public Health Modelling - Kevin Fong, UCL
Planned tutorial topics:
- Herwig7 / Pythia8 / Sherpa
- Computing on GPUs
- Machine Learning
- Neutrino MC
- + TBC!
Applying, fees, and financial support:
You can apply for participation in the MCnet school via the registration form linked on the left. Application is moderated, and applications from outside the MCnet network require a supporting statement from a supervisor or line-manager: please send this to
Participation in the school requires a registration fee: this is offered at a reduced rate of 250 GBP before 1 April, and a full rate of 350 GBP will be due from 1 April until close of applications on 26 May. The fee covers accommodation and meals for the duration of the school.
Participation in the school is moderated, and the fee can only be paid after confirmation of your participation. The (full-rate) fee must be paid by 2 June to confirm participation. All information for the payment will be sent together with the confirmation of your participation.
If the school fee or travel costs would prohibit your participation, we may be able to provide a fee waiver or financial support: if you require this, please ensure a) apply by the early-bird deadline of 31 March, and b) ensure that your supervisor/line-manager makes the case for extra financial support in their supporting letter (which also must arrive before 31 March), explaining why they cannot supply the funding.
Our strongly preferred financial support will be to waive the conference fee, but for you to pay for flights etc. -- travel costs are more difficult for us to arrange and to support from our limited funds, and will require a very strong supporting statement from your supervisor/line-manager.
Poster session:
Poster boards will be available to present your own work throughout the school, and to discuss with others during breaks and social events. We encourage all attendees to present a poster during the School!
Organised by:
Generously sponsored by: