- High-level introduction of the TDE: key functions and location
- High-level introduction to the dump (shape, contents, key challenges)
- Objective of the review
- Recall Previous challenges and developments:
o Original dump history
o Challenges during Run 2
o LS2 upgrades - Introduce reviewer’s questions
- Introduce agenda and tie the reviewer’s questions...
A description of the LHC Beam Dumping System, of which the beam dump block (TDE) is a key component.
- Introduction to LHC extraction system
- Components of LBDS
- Beam parameters and filling schemes expected for HL
- Failure modes
Description of beam-matter interaction studies performed as the basis for the HL TDE design.
- Setup of different models used
- Material properties
- Breakdown of total energy deposited by component
- Energy density profile for nominal, full intensity dump event
- LBDS failure scenarios results and conclusions
- Other conclusions
Overview of cooling system studies completed and conclusions for HL design.
- Requirements
- Description of current operational cooling system and limitations
- Benchmarking of run 3 model
- Detailed simulation setup
- Performance comparison of different upgrades and implications for operation
- Feasibility of different options, comparison in terms of work needed, integration issues,...
Overview of cooling system studies completed and conclusions for HL design.
- Requirements
- Description of current operational cooling system and limitations
- Feasibility of different options, comparison in terms of work needed, integration issues, cost, RP issues.
- Conclusion on proposed configuration
A description of the detailed design studies performed to refine the HL TDE geometry
Opening comments from panel for day 2. Reminder of any outstanding actions from day 1. Overview of day 2 agenda.
Details of instrumentation design proposed for HL
- Overview of past and operational instrumentation suites
- Return of experience, reliability, interpretation and usefulness
- Proposed instrumentation suite for HL and work required.
Radiation protection assessments done for HL TDE upgrade.
- Radiation protection requirements
- Assessment of proposed design against requirements
- Residual dose rate for different intervention scenarios (cooling times)
- Air activation UD cavern (1 vs 2x flowrate)
- Waste disposal
- Argon content and spilling
- Ti vs SS comparison
- LS3 intervention scenario
Description of preliminary design of controlled argon atmosphere and related safety systems for HL TDE.
- Nitrogen system implementation in Run 3
- Consumption of nitrogen over runs - reasons and challenges
- RP requirements
- Design of new system and expansion vessel, integration
Description of procurement and production plan related to the proposed design.
- Components of dump design
- Production strategy and procurement path for each component
Cost estimate for proposed design, sources and assumptions.
Available budget for HL TDEs and how it will be used
Spares strategy
- Why spares are required
- Reasons for proposed number of spares
- Strategy - how the spares would be produced, stored and used if needed.
For those components where there are still some actions required to reach a detailed design, explanation of the steps required to arrive at the detailed design, assumed deadlines and any potential risks