21–23 Nov 2011
Europe/Zurich timezone

Nitrogen-doped silicon as a potentially radiation-hard material

21 Nov 2011, 14:40
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Building 503-1-001
Show room on map


Pawel Kaminski (Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Warsaw, Poland)


Defect engineering technology based on nitrogen doping is known to be capable of controlling both the voids and the oxygen precipitates in Czochralski silicon wafers and completely suppressing D and A defects produced by aggregates of vacancies and self-interstitials, respectively, in FZ single crystals. A review of defect reactions resulting from interactions of nitrogen atoms with intrinsic defects and oxygen atoms is presented. It is suggested that these interactions may also occur in the material irradiated with high hadron fluences leading to an improvement of radiation hardness.


Pawel Kaminski (Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Warsaw, Poland)

Presentation materials